*" I composed the music in just 20 days" *

A.R.Rahman has been exciting all of us through his stupendous and
scintillating score. But inside his personal room, there is so much of
silence and serenity. As we enter inside, the gentle light from the
chandelier falls on us. If we run our eyes throughout the room, its like
being in a small garden. There were a lot of bouquets felicitating Rahman
everywhere. In the middle of it was his favorite piano. On top of it,
features the most prestigious Golden Globe Award. When we keep enjoying and
experiencing this, the Mozart of Madras comes inside and greets us with so
much of happiness.

   1. In India, there are a  lot many Music Stalwarts. But how come you
   alone were able to achieve this victory ?

" I feel and believe that God's choicest blessings are on me. Other than
this, there is nothing which exists in me. The music portion in Slum Dog
Millionaire is very less. I could finish the complete music of this movie in
just 20 days. But, people are giving a lot of respect for the same. It is
like a big change to them.

   1. " Slum Dog Millonaire" movie has created a new feeling about Indian
   Music to the world. How would the perception be in future ?

People know that Indian Cinema is a big industry. Our standard of films are
not getting that much of respect there . If it was so, we would have got
awards for all of our movies. The reason for this is the swiftness of the
movie and the credibility. But the present day Directors are very very near
to the standards. Our India is a Creative Hub. We have all the talents in
plenty. To bring out the latent talent, we have to go just one step forward.
To get world Fame, we just need to take a step forward. This would be
certainly seen in the coming generations.

   1. Already, you are unable to be caught up in Tamil. You have stepped
   into major efforts like the Hindi Films and Bombay Dreams. Now that you have
   got the Golden Globe Award, your domain now is very large. Would you be
   composing in future for Tamil Movies ?

" A creative person can do whatever he wants. A British Director made a
story out of Mumbai, shooted the film in Mumbai and has also won the Golden
Globe Award.

So, anything is possible with one's mind set and this has been proved now.
So, with the same mind set, if a Tamil movie is also directed, we can
achieve the same feat being here. But, we are confusing our own selves. If
we take this movie, will it run in Chengulpet ? Will it run in Madurai ? in
Punjab ? in Bihar ? is our thought.

We have to take a good movie, and the audience has to be taken to high

   1. After your style of music, Tamil Cinema's music hasn't crossed further
   heights. Why is it so ?

" Yes. Previously, Film Directors had a good knowledge and flavour in music.
But that doesn't mean that present directors don't have knowledge about
music ..

But Balachander, Vishwanath would want certain songs in a particular raga
and would ask for certain quality. Those are all extra ordinary quality and
no one now is asking for all that. They all want a mass song, a Kutthu song
( a Folk type danceable) . Though this may be in large numbers, still we
should be praising them for the skills in getting the work done.

The heights of Classical music appear to be different when it is unable to
satisfy the need of the audience and the desired impact needed for the

   1. When I had met you before, you were telling me that your life is like
   a water droplet on top of a lotus ( without getting attached to the roots
   and the water beneath… " Thamarai Ilai Taaneer pol Pattum Padamal"……….). Now
   that you have been winning these many awards and gaining so much of respect.
   Isnt these changing your life style now ?

Nothing like that ( He laughs loudly ). Life is as usual. Our
responsibilities are different. I don't get attached personally. If we fall
inside, then we wont be able to get up from the same. "See the Life in a
different perspective". We must see the life pushing it and seeing it from

   1. Pls comment on the Rahman from " Roja to Slumdog Millionaire"

In this journey of mine, I had to sacrifice a lot. I have given a lot of
things. There is hardly time to spend in relaxing and leisure. I don't have
time even for partying. But at the same time, I dedicate myself to the work
that I do. I have given my best in my work. But nowadays, everyone wants to
live a normal life. They want to spend their holidays. Because after a
certain point in life, it becomes too mechanical. According to me, Music is
my life and I enjoy doing it".


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