hello guys 
          there s been this issue that has been on my mind for the 
longest time . when i or  some of us collectively got into rahmans 
music during the days of roja and afterwards , cds weren t that in 
and popular and they were either too highly priced [ i had to give up 
burning crackers on one particular diwali in exchange for my dad 
agreeing to buy bombay original cd as it was rs 350 in those days and 
for a 5 th grade kid in those days that was a massive amount to ask 
for we only got 10 or 20 rupees max as pocket money ] or just didn t 
release [ kabhi na kabhi ] or our parents just wouldnt agree despite 
all the pleading and even crying [ muthu in my case ] . we would 
however save nickles , pennies and ice cream money to buy first batch 
original tapes [ second and later batch tapes would typically cut 
down on album art and more often than not , the quality would 
drastically drop ]. we all grew up to start making some money and 
started buying original cds . i have so far successfully overcome the 
temptation not to download bad mp3 s or buy dead cheap mp3 cds from 
the pirated market . despite all our collective efforts we have 
missed out on some stellar cds [ i only have about half of rahman s 
discography in cd rest of it is in tapes ] . while i still love how 
fanstatic my roja tape sounds i sometimes feel heartbroken when some 
of those precious tapes are lost to fungus or misuse [ super police 
and gang master in my case ] . i am also sadly aware of the fact that 
someday most of my tapes would perish . 

                    so this is an earnest plea to gopal , vijay and 
other influential fans on this formum to try and get rahman to figure 
out a way to get the record companies to issue high quality reissues 
of his earlier work [ preferably with original album art archival 
pictures and even some jam session bonus material from that 
album.heck !!! they do it all the time in the west ] . i am also 
supremely interested in all the scores and cues for his films . 
recently rahman exclaimed that there are typically about 190 odd cues 
in an indian film [ i was like wow !!! that is like a wealth of 
scores unreleased ] . i would urge once again influential members on 
this forum to request rahman to release his score cds as well. i am 
hoping a modest sucess of a project like this would indirectly 
trigger companies to release some older composers work as well which 
is a great thing for those interested . i also believe that it would 
be a positive step ahead for indian music in general , and would be a 
little step forward in creating public awareness about good sound & 
the importance of preserving older classics . i mean just listen how 
great  ABBA & PINK FLOYD still sound , compare it with how 
ridiculously bad some of those rd burman and mukesh compilations 
sound . people need to stop throwing away old classics like that . 

PLEASE PLEASE  pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase...............  FOR GOD S 


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