Dear Friends,

While I fell in love with Man Chandre the first time I heard it... something 
else is disturbing me:

a) If you remove the ghattam, the unconvential rhythm, the high pitching by 
Sukhwinder - and just keep the song to simple vocals (and the tinkles) - then 
this song has ghazal as its foundation style (and not a folk style) - Correct?

b) I'm dead sure that I've heard a similar Jagjit Singh ghazal - but unable to 
pin it down.... did someone else feel this as well? If so, can you point that 

Himalaya - again why do I feel that the note pattern (not same notes, but same 
pattern - something like mirror image if you may like) follow's Beethoven's Fur 
Elise? Again - did someone else notice or felt this?

BTW - I'm not questioning anything here - just wondering if Rahman is 
playing/experimenting with established numbers and giving his own twist/version 
to it... types... I hope I get to ask Rahman this someday? :)

In the meantime, the music gurus in this group can perhaps take a dig at these 

ciao / Gopal

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