On 2/17/2009 10:39 PM India Time, _Vithur_ wrote:

> Ganesha says DELHI-6 will set cash registers ringing

Somehow, my gut feeling about D6 is that its script might prove to be 
its weak point. It is a tiny, miniscule script. Even taglines and 
synopsis nowadays are longer than in what the entire script can be told 
without loosing anything. this bonsai script might not be able to keep 
viewers engrossed for the length of movie.

RDB was a complex script. RDB was a vision, a new insight into current 
state of affairs and comparing them with pre-independent India - 
everybody loved that.

And, then the other weak point could be the forced-make-believe. It is 
made in india so it is bound to highlight Indian culture, values, social 
system. They just can't criticize it for the fear of backlash. So, it 
might become a lecture, a Purab Aur Paschim II, in which everything that 
is Indian is right and everything that is western is wrong. But, 
intelligent viewers are going to hate this forced make believe. There 
are good and bad things in East and there are good and bad things in west.

So, my apprehension is that these two points might bog the film down - 
like Swades.

But director is a proven good hand. I would be happy to see him overcome 
these possible deficiencies and coming out with a great film.


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