So I ran to the NBC studios early this morning and was grab a couple
of tickets for the Tonight Show.  

Even though I live 2 minutes away from these studios, I have never
been to any show.  So, it was my first time and it was a great
experience.  Jay Leno was great, he did the whole show live(no edits).
 However, I'm disappointed that Rahman only came towards the end of
the show and only performed music from SDM.

I was expecting him to be interviewed or something.  But alas, not a
single word from Rahman.  Most of the show was just Jay Leno and
comedian/radio host Dennis Miller.  Frieda Pinto and ARR were probably
there for the last 15 minutes.  If you are planning to watch the show
just for Rahman, tune into the very end portion.

Frieda was cute, with her British accent and funny incidents from
childhood and her crush on Leonardo DiCaprio.  

And finally, it was Rahman's performance - the last 5 mintues.

They had decorated the stage with colorful "Indian" theme.  A small
group of American musicians and singers joined Rahman as he played the
piano on Stage.  They started with Latika's theme and then switched to
Jai Ho.  Rahman sang some parts of it, but it was mostly sung by an
American girl.  They also had some colorfully dressed dancers perform
to Jai Ho.  And that was it.

It was a good experience, but I wish there was more of Rahman.


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