On 2/20/2009 9:06 PM India Time, _fameeb mohd_ wrote:

> Dear rahman fellows,
> Please find herwith a blog review of Delhi 6
> http://dreamsoffame.blogspot.com/
> Fameeb.

 > Delhi-6 : A movie not to be missed ; Watch at your own risk !

 > Director's intention not to have a break is completedly justified.

what is he talking about. There was an intermission?

 > Roshan's American accent sometimes irritates you.

What? He used US accent just once or twice. I find lack of American 
accent noticeable for a US born and brought up.

 > All the character artists are classy with a special mention to the 
incredible gorgeous lady who play 'Rama Aunt'.

now, who among those 100s was Rama Aunt?

 > There are some scenes which can really tickle your funny bones ( Sex 
with TV Scene, Mother cow scene etc )

what "Sex with TV Scene"?

 > But the manner which the story unfolds is bit over the top for a 
normal film viewer. The movie does not have a single story but is a get 
together of various events which unfolds with no inter relationship 
culminating to verbose climax.

I differ. Indian viewer is now mature enough for absorbing this style of 
story telling in so many parallel, mixed stories. The only problem in 
the movie is the climax.

 > A common man wants to be entertained for 2 hrs inside the theatre. He 
does not want to think too much while watching the movie . A movie which 
pokes the viewer to think inside the theatre may not work much.

That also is not correct. There are several "thinking" movies that were 
taken well. It is the style of making u think that matters. This movie 
preaches, that is the sin.

 > The movie may follow fate of SWADES . A movie which will be discussed 
a lot but fails to fall into slot of extreme entertainer. A movie which 
is excellent in format and packaging but somehow failing to engage the 

Swades was a SRK movie without having SRK do his usual monkeying, that's 
what disappointed spectators.


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