Well said... I second that! Hope he wins them all...

--- In arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com, "Chord" <purev...@...> wrote:
> Some of you are saying that if Rahman does not win an Oscar, it won't
> really matter because we know how great he is, etc. etc.  That's a
> nice psychological defense mechanism.  While I agree that his
> greatness is not going to be denied or confirmed by an Oscar win or
> loss, I think we can safely say that most of us are going to be
> depressed come Monday morning if ARR doesn't win.  Let's be real about
> it.  The expectations are huge, and many people in the past few weeks
> are saying that it's almost a given that he will win.  Again, IF he
> loses, it's not going to change my opinion about ARR and it's not
> going to take away what he has already achieved.  I will have to
> console myself by saying that he is already a Golden Globe and BAFTA
> winner, which are facts.  
> Let's hope and pray that he wins to make it a sweep!

  • ... Chord
    • ... p_ramasamy2000
    • ... Jahanzeb Farooq
      • ... $ Pavan Kumar $
        • ... neena kochhar
        • ... Gomzy™
    • ... Thulasi Ram
      • ... Rafid Nuhuman
    • ... ramakrisha laxmana subramanian siva gopala acharya iyer .aiyooo amma idli wada dosa sambar chatni .
      • ... Shah Navas

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