Pune (PTI): Tanvi, the Mumbai girl who played teenager Latika in 'Slumdog 
Millionaire' was all excited when she saw the sartorial finesse that awaited 
her in a plush Los Angeles hotel.

Tanvi, along with the other 'Slumdog...' children, landed in Los Angeles for 
the much-awaited Oscars awards, that will be held at the Kodak Theatre on 
Sunday night.

"Tanvi's measurements for the Oscar dress and the shoe size had been conveyed 
to the organizers well in advance. When she tried them on she was much 
delighted as also the other children who were treated similarly", Tanvi's 
mother, Sharmila Lonkar said.

"I spoke to her and she told me that the dress trial was given finishing 
touches and now the "slumdog children" were looking forward to the award 
announcements hoping for the best", she said. Sharmila said the arrival of the 
children aroused great interest among the American media, who gave them 
extensive coverage.

"The American media is more crazy about them (children) than their Indian 
counterparts and their arrival was flashed all over", she said. Tanvi was 
accompanied by her father Ganesh. Her mother, would be watching the event from 
her residence in Borivali.

After the awards function, Tanvi and other children artistes would stay in US 
for two more days more for sight-seeing. The trip would also include a visit to 
Disneyland, Sharmila said. They have already paid a visit to the Universal 
Studio in Hollywood, she said.



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