very rightly said. i was also remembering the same. also while 
discussing in the thread "yahoo group 10 years from now" one of us 
mentioned something like "ARR's # Oscar" and I prayed in my heart and 
thought that it would be too difficult to win Oscar unless he scores 
for some big hollywood movie with some renowned director. and here we 
are, just in a few months the dream has became true and he has won 2 
Oscars at once. wow... God is great! 

--- In, "nandatronics" <nandatron...@...> 
> Hi All,
>     I was waiting from a long time to send this message. I dont know 
> how may of you all remember, around Jun or Jul 2008, some of our 
> members in this group opened up their wish for ARR to win Oscar and 
> still remember one of the members in this group replied stating that 
> other than Bombay Theme, ARR hasnt composed anything great score/ 
> themes that calls for Oscar. Now here we are, less than 1 year from 
> that statement, now we have ARR winning not one but 2 Oscars. I am 
> really happy and want to convey to all those fans, that it was 
> for him to get the Oscars because of his sincerity, hardwork, 
> originality, simplicity and above all GODs chosen & gifted son.
> Thanks and Regards,

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