very true...

> When SDM happened, they say though it is not one of his best works 
he deserves an oscar and start comparing with Roja, Bombay and so on.
> Next year same time these critics will say, 'Is this the same man 
who gave us SDM?'

perfectly put.

--- In, "prabhu_ferrari" 
<prabhu.ferr...@...> wrote:
> When Roja came they said, one time wonder.
> When Bombay came they said, not like Roja.
> When Rangeela came they said, not like Bombay and tune doesnt suit
> Hindi audience
> When Dilse came they said, not like Roja, Rangeela, Bombay
> When Bombay Dreams happened they said, he is reusing his tunes and
> lost his touch, time over etc
> When LOTR happened they said not as good as Bombay Dreams
> When Lagaan happened they said not like Taal
> When Swades came, they said its not as good as Lagaan
> When Jodha Akbar came they said, its bad and not as good as Swades
> When yuvraj and ghajini got released, it was not as good as JA.
> When SDM happened, they say though it is not one of his best works 
> deserves an oscar and start comparing with Roja, Bombay and so on.
> Next year same time these critics will say, 'Is this the same man 
> gave us SDM?'
> Jai Ho!
> -Prabhu
> --- In, jagan nath
> <guy_from_asia2000@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > Hi pals.. I have a small opinion to share with. 
> >  
> > Rahman's critics say he uses western music not indian. But after
> listening slumdog, western people say they didnt hear a music like
> this. Its very different. Then wat are the critics talking about.
> Where did our Rahman music come from ? Why do they deny to agree 
> our Rahman's music comes from heart and soul !
> >  
> > Cant they hear the soul stirring tunes ? Why do they purposefully
> deny the truth ? Why are our people like this ! When will this world
> change and accept the truths without any hesitation !
> >  
> >  Guys need ur opinion on this... 
> >  
> > regard
> >  
> > Jagan
> > 
> > 
> >       Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to
> >

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