Humming to Oscars
23 Feb 2009, 2312 hrs IST, TNN
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   KANPUR: "Jai Ho!" was what the Kanpurites were humming on Monday morning
after Slumdog Millionaire bagged 8 Oscar Awards with the maestro AR
Rehman  winning
two Oscars. The excitement among every Indian with Kanpurites no exception
to it, was all apparent and obvious, as majority of them kept glued to their
TV screens right from the morning.

For superintendent in-chief of LLR, Dr Naresh Yadav it was a super-good
feeling after AR Rehman won two Oscars. The magnitude of his joy could be
gauged from the fact that Dr Yadav had been wishing `Jai Ho' instead of
greeting `hello/ hi' to whomsoever who called him.

"Finally, Oscars are making a come back and what a come back-- with 9 Oscars
it is already a big achievement," said Dr Yadav, who feels that both the
movies have set benchmarks for the Bollywood industry and this would bring
positivity among the ones working in every field. "Winning Oscar Awards
would surely change the thinking of every individual," said he.

Meanwhile, Dr Anupam Shukla, HoD of English department, DAV College too felt
happy about India winning so much acclaim across the globe through the
of Rehman and the actual picture of the country. "It is surely a
celebration time for the people of tinseltown. We had longed for this one
for a many years," expressed Dr Shukla.

However, he also feared that as winning Beauty Pageants in a series opened a
market for 
and winning Booker Awards in the last decade opened
opportunities for the publishers, others would search their interest on the
adversities of the country.

Meanwhile, the elated city folks expressed their joy and happiness by
dancing on the tunes of Rehman's hits all day long.


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