On 2/27/2009 8:37 AM India Time, _Thulasi Ram_ wrote:

> ya some years would be okay but 80+ is ridiculous. people become too old 
> by then or may never exist to get it. 
> can't ARR break the barrier and become the youngest one to receive 
> bharat ratna? its always possible.

At the age of 90, Leonid Hurwicz was the oldest person ever to become a 
Laureate when he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2007.

he he he. Of course, I am not saying that ARR should get it at 80 or 90, 
but just raising a point.

I am sure that ARR would create wonderful melodies when he would be 80/ 
90/ 100++. Then, there ought to be some prize for him at that time.


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