Just came back from the movie hall ...and I give my thumbs-up to this movie
I think it was just an absolutely wonderful movie - yes - there was no
central storyline as the majority of the Indian audiences and reviewers
prefer (rather thats how they want it and nothing else works for them) - but
so what - its a different movie making style and I think it worked for me.

ARR's BGM are fantastic and it would be a crime not to release them as a
separate CD :-)
The camera work and direction are wonderful and so are the use of ARR's
songs. They do not hinder the movie-progress and I think Indian directors
have a thing or two to learn from Rakyesh Mehra about the use of music in
our movies.

Of-course the actors have done a marvelous job as well - each character is
remarkable in his/her own right.

Go Rakyesh Mehra Go !!! You do rock. I think you have made a great movie and
you have gotten the best out of ARR ...

 AKS, RDB and now Delhi-6. I have loved all three of them.


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