AR Rahman to Dileep Kumar - BE takes you down memory lane
4 Mar 2009, 0545 hrs IST, Prasad Sangameshwaran, ET Bureau

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For the past few days Mark Manuel, director, films, at JWT Chennai, has been
drinking his morning cuppa from a magic mug. It’s magic because it [image:
AR Rahman] 
displays an embossed photograph of him with AR Rahman, everytime a hot
beverage is poured into it. It’s not very well known but the man they now
call Rahman has a very strong and long connection with the ad-world,
especially Chennai. Back then though he was known as AS Dileep Kumar.

Dileep’s involvement with advertising was no brief fling, but a full-fledged
affair. Advertising is where the long epic journey that has culminated in an
Oscar began when Dileep started scoring with background tunes for ads in the
mid-1980s. In 1986, when a public service
drug abuse was being produced at the Audio Vision studio in Chennai the
studio owner, Vijay Modi suggested to Trilok Nair, director, Trisha
Productions, that he must try out a young talent. “One could barely spot the
boy behind the keyboards. But when we heard the music, we were blown away,”
recalls Nair.

Within a short span, Dileep composed music for a number of brands like Leo
Coffee, Nalli sarees, Hero Honda and Asian Paints. Suddenly this
20-something ‘little guy’ had everyone looking at the advertising backwater
called Madras differently. Those who worked with him have many tales to
tell. Like the one where one of his musical instruments starred in a
commercial, without his knowledge. This was in an MRF commercial that showed
the reflection of a
the visor of the rider. That synth was ‘borrowed’ by film
Bala from Dileep’s studio, when the composer was not around.

But life was not all roses for Dileep back then. On occasions, he got to see
the downside of an industry unwilling to give new names a second look. One
such example was a Gwalior suitings ad. Dileep had toiled for three full
days working on the tune that would be ‘It’. While film maker and friend
Rajiv Menon was convinced about the score, the client bounced the campaign
and got Louis Banks, one of the more sought after names in the business redo
it. “Advertising chases names. Now they must be kicking themselves hard,”
recalls Menon, who teamed up with Rahman for several commercials including
Fair & Lovely, Bru Coffee and the celebrated Asian Paints ‘Pongal’

There were occasions though when film makers found a way to checkmate the
client tantrums. For the Hero Honda Sleek campaign, Bharat Bala felt that
the score composed by Louis Banks with Sivamani on
not working. But the client and agency had approved it and to change their
mind would be an uphill task. During one of Dileep’s late night sessions,
Bala asked him for an option.

Ad Recall

Three hours before the 9 am presentation, Bala got a ‘mind-blowing’ track.
Of course, the client loved it, without knowing it was Dileep’s work. “Until
recently I never confessed to this. The best part is the agency person never
spotted the difference,” chuckles Bala. All those who worked with Dileep
were dazzled by his willingness to experiment even in this genre. Nair
reminisces about the Nalli Sarees client who wanted to make a commercial set
to a famous old Tamil song. Dileep heard the client and suggested that they
go in for a remix — remember that back then few were aware of remixing as a
concept. “The client hemmed and hawed. But when they heard the final sound
they couldn’t believe what they got,” says Nair. Such was the power of his
tunes that some played on for years. Leo Coffee, one of the earliest ads,
ran for 15 years and even when a new commercial was made about three years
back, the music remained unchanged.

For ad men, Ashok Nagar, where Dileep had his home and studio, soon became
the place to hang around. Colvyn Harris, CEO, JWT recalls spending several
nights outside Rahman’s studio on that
(swing), when the maestro was perfecting his art inside. “That swing has
seen a lot of backsides, including Mani Ratnam’s,” jokes Nair. Harris also
remembers the day when film maker Bharat Bala dragged him and his family out
to a waiting car and made him listen to his album, Vande Mataram. “I was
among the first people to listen to Vande Mataram.” says Harris

Ad men even played bit roles in shaping the destiny of Dileep’s career, or
even life. A classmate from school, Bharat Bala rediscovered his old friend
after he began making ad films; Rajiv Menon became the best man at his
wedding; while Trilok Nair who happens to be Mani Ratnam’s brother-in-law
introduced Dileep to the hotshot director. Among the several works that the
extremely-hard-to-impress Ratnam reviewed before Dileep was signed on for
Roja was the Leo Coffee commercial, which incidentally featured Arvind
Swamy, who went on to play the lead role in the film after the original
choice, ad film maker Rajiv Menon declined to be the hero. The world may
know him as Rahman, but it was advertising that first uncovered the little
genius called Dileep.


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