*“Ulagai Urukkiya Isai Perum Jnani” *

( The Musical Brilliance which rocked the World )

Recent Issue of Cinema Express Tamil Magazine

The Five Main Attributes in Rahman which were responsible for his success
are :-

   1. Hard Work

   1. Love towards His mother

   1. Humility

   1. His Feeling towards his mother tongue

   1. Devotion towards God

*Producer Kalaipuli S. Dhanu *

“ For Tamil, for Tamilians, For Tamil Nadu, For India, and for the whole
humanity across the globe , Effulgent, Everscent, All pervading, All
Sparkling, All brilliant Person who resides in the heart of everyone is our
dearest younger brother A.R.Rahman. He is the Eighth Swara in Music.  The
awards that he has achieved are something, which are unachievable.

That day Tamilian Kings by name Gangai Kondaan, achieved and conquered
through warfare, and this day Tamilian A.R.Rahman has achieved everything
through his Musical Instruments. His Living Life has been filled with many
hardships, but he has surpassed everything through his patience and love.
Such a Beautiful Tamilian, must love for ever. Hail ARR!!!

* *

*“It’s a boost to all of us” – Music Director D. Imman *

After the advent of A.R.Rahman, many people started following his style of
music. I also started composing music following his style, and that’s the
truth. This itself is an achievement according to me. One thing which he has
proved is that anyone can win only if the music is original. The message
that he has proved and said through his achievement is that we must be
original, when composing music.

I was in Mumbai, mixing for my film “ Naan Avanillai ( Part 2 )”, when I
heard the good news of him winning the awards, and people in Mumbai were
celebrating it like a big festival. His Victory is like a boost to us.

It’s a Proud moment for every Tamilian – Lyricist Kapilan

“ He would compose music the entire night. I too used to sit with him the
entire night, and time would just fly away. At 4 AM in the morning, my cell
phone alarm would ring, and remind us that another day would have started.
He would humorously tell me to buy Milk Packets on my way to home. He is a
genius and would identify and tap people’s genius. I was remembering all the
good moments we shared , when he got the awards.

A Talented person’s success is our success. He would have sacrificed and
lost lot of happiness for achieving this. It would be such people, who
sacrifice themselves for other’s happiness and joy. The whole world is now
celebrating his victory and success.

He never worked with an aim of achieving this success. But, his hard work
has achieved success. He has made the entire nation feel proud, and we as
Tamilians must be doubly happy for this.

*“ He is a Man with **Lot** of Energy” – Devi Sri Prasad *

I normally don’t worship God before starting my work , but on the day of
Oscars, I prayed God before switching on my TV. It is his Powerful Magnetism
that attracts us to him. Right from the time, he won the awards, our studio
has been talking about he and his victory. He socializes us with us in a
very nice fashion, and that makes me feel all the more proud for him.


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