Meanwhile, Andhimandhari did ever release in any form ie VCDs at least. Why I am asking this because Vithur had posted BGM from that movie. Vithur how did u manage to get that?

On Mar 6, 2009 3:48pm, Vithur <> wrote:

Anthi Mantharai - He himself told Dir Bharathiraaja that he is not going to take money for the project

Meenaxi - He was gifted a painting by MF Hussain for his music

Many more .....

On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 1:51 PM, VS Rawat> wrote:

On 3/6/2009 8:07 AM India Time, _partha_sachin_ wrote:

> Hi Fellow Fans,
> I am not sure if its a right question to ask in this group but just wanted to know how much ARR charges per album. Not to count on how much he is earning, just that wanted to know whether I can even dream of making an album with him (may be in future). Please can someone tell me.

> Regards,

I don't know.

But I am sure that ARR is not keen on money. He has done several low
budget movies, even several movies for the same directors, where he just

could not have got the crores that media says he is charging.

May be, he charges higher from established banners and takes less or
nothing from "poor" :-) producers.

So, don't worry about the money. If you have some good idea/ theme, some

good cause, you contact him and he is likely to do it for you at very
less or no charges.

Would you like to share what type of album/ film you have in mind?



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