'Awaara' to AR Rahman, Bollywood on upswing in west: UK expert
March 8,2009    Feedback <http://www.indopia.in/feedback/feedback.php>  Sign
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  Prasun <http://search.indopia.in/begin.php?txtsearch=Prasun&newsCatId=2>
London, Mar 8 For a UK professor of Film
grew up watching Indian
the recent Oscar
<http://search.indopia.in/begin.php?txtsearch=Oscar&newsCatId=2>success of
composer A R Rahman
sound engineer Resul
<http://search.indopia.in/begin.php?txtsearch=Pookutty&newsCatId=2>is a
welcome recognition of Bollywood
and themes.

Dina <http://search.indopia.in/begin.php?txtsearch=Dina&newsCatId=2>Iordanova,
professor of Film
the University
<http://search.indopia.in/begin.php?txtsearch=University&newsCatId=2>of St
Andrews, who researches Indian
and teaches Bollywood
in her department, told PTI that teaching on Bollywood
had become a regular part of the curriculum in Film
in the UK.

" Indian 
and themes have long triumphed around the world; memories of my film-loving
childhood in the Soviet
<http://search.indopia.in/begin.php?txtsearch=Soviet&newsCatId=2>bloc would
never be complete without references to Raj Kapoor&aposs hugely popular
Awaara,"she said.

"A film which I believe to have been the biggest international box office
hit in the history of cinema."

"Finally, a significant degree of recognition for this cinematic tradition
enters the west as well. Composer
<http://search.indopia.in/begin.php?txtsearch=Composer&newsCatId=2>A R Rahman
first enjoyed extensive coverage in the UK in the context of his score for
the musical Bombay
<http://search.indopia.in/begin.php?txtsearch=Dreams&newsCatId=2>(2002), has
now sealed his success with an Academy

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