Hey chord,

I have one question to you if you don't mind answering.. are you the same
person who used to post to our group as ajit_mundra ? your mails are very
similar to his


On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 11:18 PM, Chord <purev...@yahoo.com> wrote:

>   Evil deeds and hard times have always been around. However, they seem to
> be more salient recently with the bad economy, terrorist attacks and
> threats, recent murderous shooting rampages in the US and Germany, etc. etc.
> Life to me is full of dualities....light/dark, evil/good, hope/despair,
> night/day, etc.
> As I listen and re-explore the vast ecyclopedia of ARR's music, hearing the
> various world musical genres in fusion, co-existing and harmonizing
> peacefully within a single song or album, the symbolism of that fusion and
> peaceful and celebratory co-existence struck me as so important in a time
> when hatred, ignorance, poverty, and violence threaten our very well being
> and lives. Hearing ARR's music helps me to think about all the varied,
> colorful, beautiful world cultures that surround us and the importance of
> maintaining peace and harmony for our well being. As I've said before, his
> music represents the best of humanity....colorful, vibrant, tolerant,
> peaceful, going beyond artificial boundaries.
> There are only a few things in this life, in this world right now that are
> giving me hope for a better future for humanity. ARR's music is one of those
> things. At the risk of sounding ideal and naive, why can't we live
> peacefully? Why can't we raise our children with peace and tolerance,
> teaching them good valuea that promote peacful co-existence and tolerance
> with different people and cultures? I know it's complex and it's a problem
> that won't just go away by itself.
> ARR's music to me represents so much much more than just immediate
> entertainment and mood uplifting. The philosophy behind his music, his
> message has never been more important to embrace than now.
> God, save us from ourselves and may peace be our future.

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