A.R..Rahman after winning every possible international award for his background 
score in 'Slumdog Millionaire', is now winning every possible Hindian Best 
Background Score award for 'Jodha Akbar'.
Given the length and the drama of Jodha Akbar, it is evident that
Rahman has worked really hard on the background score of 'Jodha Akbar'
and he himself admitted he composed more than 100 cues for Jodha
Akbar's background score. 

But as I already mentioned here,
though Jodha Akbar has some great background scoring moments, as a
whole, Jodha Akbar's score is not Rahman's best in 2008. In 2008,
Rahman did background score for 'Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na', 'Jodha Akbar', 
'Ghajini' and 'Yuuvraaj'.
I haven't seen 'Yuuvraaj', so can't really comment on its score, but
Ghajini's score was too loud. Unfortunately, Rahman has gone Harris
Jeyaraj way in its loudness, and it may also be because the movie
director is the same A.R.Murugadass, who directed the Tamil version. 

the interview with Raihana in the Rahmania show, Murugadass confirmed
that it is he who wanted the score to sound like the way it is in the
movie. Rahman delivered what Murugadass demanded and hence the
loudness. But all that is an excuse, I thought Rahman with his
influence would reduce the loudness and make the movie sound saner.
There is so much scope in Ghajini for a much deeper and intelligent
scoring, which Rahman didn't make full use of. Finally, 'Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na' 
is the movie which has a consistently good background score throughout the 

away from A.R.Rahman, of all the movies that I got a chance to watch in
2008, two movies had background score that is worth talking about - Mithya and 
Though the main theme sounds heavily inspired from the theme of Requiem
for Dream, Amit Trivedi did a good job in pushing the raw energy, pace,
tension and the suspense with his score in Aamir. If the score is just
as good as the movie, then my best background score award for 2008 goes
to Mithya. Beautifully subtle and adequately expressive is the score
for Mithya. Evoking the feel of classic Nino Rita's Godfather score, Sagar 
Desai’s score for Mithya, to me is the best of 2008. 


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