" I know Rahman since the time he was Dileep. His father and my father
Anandan were good friends. I used to go to his home. He would be practising
the Keyboard. He would be shy beyond limits. He would talk freely in home. I
would tell him " Lets go to some recording theatre and practice" for which
he would say, " Oh My God! Lets not have it here".

He would keep on doing something with the Keyboard right from his tender
age. Doing like , he would try to master the same. He would play the tune of
the song in his keyboard , before he composes the exact song. Until the Film
Director gets satisfied, he would keep playing the tunes one by one. Later,
he would call the Orchestra.

After the tune is Okayed, he would ask for four or five such rythms or
beats. I would play my part and demonstrate. He would improve it a bit. When
I play my part, he would love the same and enjoy it by shaking his head.

He has lot of devotion towards God. He would enter the Recording Theatre
after chanting the Holy Quran. At times, he would say, " Pls relax
yourselves for some moments. I would be back soon " and thus saying, he
would go for his prayers.

Apart from the time for sleep, the rest of the moments he would be thinking
of music. He is such a miraculous man. Very rarely, when he is in very good
mood, he would come and crack jokes with us. "  - Drums Sivamani

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