Some comments since this isn't the final cover-

Fix the lousy Photoshop work for the image on the right (front-flap). The photo 
outline does not blend well with the gray background and you can see the 
originally white portions of the background at the top of ARR's head.

I do not understand the obsession with ALL CAPITALS. Why oh why should 
everything associated with A R Rahman have to be in capital letters? I don't 
mean the title but the author's bio and the blurb beneath the Oscar photo.

And while you folks are at it can you also fix the massive ode to capital 
letters in ARR's website as well? If there ever was a god of Capital Letters 
he'd grant ARR a permanent place in heaven thanks to the excessive devotion 
shown in . Sorry, Gops! But it's been more than a year since I 
first cribbed about ALL CAPS in the website. Consider this yet another reminder.

On a lesser note...
Front flap: Why is 'discovery' enclosed in quotes?

From: Gopal Srinivasan <>
Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2009 3:05:54 PM
Subject: [arr] A.R.Rahman - The Musical Storm

This is the draft cover of an upcoming biography of ARR, published by
Penguin. The book is due for release in July -

Please note that this is not the final cover


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