There is a correction. The Tabla maestro (and father of the Tabla maestro
Zakir Hussain) was called Ustad Allah Rakha Qureshi, and not Allah Rakha
Khan as mentioned by Vikatan. Ustad sahab had directed music for some Hindi
films, and was credited as A. R. Qureshi. I remember reading somewhere that
Naushad Ali and Ustad Allah Rakha Qureshi were friends and great admirers of
each other.

Also, I remember reading a little different version of the whole story.
Dileep's mother took him to a famous astrologer called Ulaganathan to get
his horoscope done. She asked him to suggest an Islamic name for Dileep. He
suggested to name him as Abdul Rahman and further suggested that it be
shortened to A. R. Rahman. Upon asking why the other initial 'R', the
astrologer replied "Give him a name with those two initials and he will grow
up to be a great man. Mark my words". His mother did accordingly, but on the
suggestion of music director Naushad Ali, AR changed the letters A and R to
Allah Rakha.



On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 10:22 PM, Aravind AM <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Here are the links to this week's scans. Scroll down for translation.
> Week 07  Part 01
> <>
> Week 07  Part 02
>  <>
> Week 7
> Year 1998.
> Dileep was 21 years old then, and was extremely busy in film music industry
> and jingles industry. That was the time when his career was moving in top
> gear, with many international tours accompanying famous bands. It was then
> that his sister started suffering from severe stomach ache. An unknown fear
> engulfed them, for they had witnessed RK Shekar’s suffering and death
> because of such stomach aches!
> They consulted several doctors, but to no avail! (Some claim that they
> would have missed out on consulting the right doctors/hospitals in all their
> anxiety!)
> Her condition was worsening each day.
> Rahman recollects those moments. “The visions of my dad’s suffering kept
> torturing me! We had shifted nine different hospitals, from Vellore CMC to
> Vijaya Hospital, Chennai. Many Christian Fathers would come and visit him
> and pray for him. Several Hindu priests would also visit him and bless him.
> Those didn’t help. Towards the end, some Islam pirs also came… But, dad left
> us forever”
> Dileep, who had witnessed the cruel last days of his dad, had turned into
> an atheist for sometime! If there’s really some God, would my dad have
> passed away at such a young age – this was the question that kept haunting
> him. When a similar disease attacked his sister, his mind had different
> questions, had more confusions. Is this all coincidental or is this a
> screenplay written by God or an unknown power, he used to wonder!
> Rahman continues, “Some days during my teenage, I believed that there was
> no God. I had been affected so much. Though I denied that God existed, I
> felt that there was a vacuum. At one stage, I realized that the world can’t
> function with out a power controlling us. That was when that disease
> attacked my sister. I was shocked. But, someone cured my sister. It was like
> a miracle”
> What happened? Who was that person?
> Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani Sahib also known as Pir Qadri. According to
> Rahman’s family, Pir Qadri came to see Rahman’s sister when she was ill, and
> she was miraculously cured due to his prayers. This sudden turn of events
> amazed Dileep. He couldn’t believe it. Dileep considered it as a boon that
> was granted by God because of Pir Qadri’s prayers! After this, Pir Qadri
> became a family friend, well-wisher and guide.
> Fe more things have to be stated at this point. It was the time when Dileep
> was putting in all his hard work into music. Dileep was learning everything
> from Hindustani, Carnatic to Western Classical! He completed graduation in
> western classical from Trinity College, London. His musical skills were
> getting sharpened more and more. He didn’t have time to even think about
> religion as he was immersed in music. But, he listened to Pir Qadri’s
> spiritual discourses from time to time. His most important advice was
> “There’s only one God. All prayers to him, cleanses your soul!”
> Dileep felt that such thought brought him peace. As days rolled by, Pir
> Qadri’s words brought about a quantum change in Dileep’s thoughts about
> religion and faith. But, he had not yet thought about the big change –
> conversion to Islam. He didn’t have the time for that!
> There was another incident, which guided him towards that. Rahman narrates
> that incident – “I was in Malaysia for a recording. One day, an old man
> appeared in my dream. He asked me to convert to Islam. I didn’t understand
> that, and I just left it as just a dream. But, I kept getting the same dream
> again and again. I felt it was a divine message. I told my mom about the
> dream. She was of the view that a message from God shouldn’t be ignored.
> From then on, I went to Mosques along with my mom, and met many Imams. I
> got enlightened about religion. Within a few days, all of us in our family
> converted to Islam.”
> Pir Qadri was Rahman’s first Islamic Guru. It was Pir Qadri who chose the
> spot for construction of Panchathan Studio at Rahman’s house. “Panchathan is
> an Islamic term depicting the five individual tasks of each of the five
> fingers”, explains Rahman’s mother Kareema Begum.
> After the demise of Pir Qadri, Mehboob Alam, Muhammad Yusuf Bhai were
> Rahman’s spiritual Gurus. Now, it is Cuddappa Malik.
> It was a time when Muslims in the film industry generally used a Hindu or
> Christian name as their screen name. But, totally opposite to the general
> trend, Rahman shifted from his Hindu name to a Muslim one. Even in the
> covers of Roja album, his was supposed to be written as Dileep, but his mom
> met Mani Ratnam at the last minute and requested him to change it to a
> Muslim name.
> That was when Dileep became A.R.Rahman. But, how did that name come about?
> After their conversion, when a search for a name was on, an astrologer
> suggested the name *Abdul Rahman*. Dileep’s mom who was a staunch believer
> of astrology, accepted it and Dileep’s name was changed to Abdul Rahman.
> Dileep remained with that name for a few days. Veteran composer Naushad
> asked him to change his name slightly to ‘Alla Rakha Rahman.’
> Alla Rakha Rahman means one who has got the blessings of Allah. Before
> Rahman, there was another famous musician with the same name – Tabla
> exponent Ustad Allah Rakha Khan – father of Tabla exponent Ustad Zakhir
> Hussain.
> Dileep’s family converting to Islam raised a few eyebrows in the industry.
> The mega success of *Roja *silenced everyone. The name A.R.Rahman reached
> through out the country at lightning speed! Dileep who became Allah Rakha
> Rahman, became a very devout Muslim, with a deep respect for the religion.
> “Each of the prayers is like death. I feel as if I pass away during the
> prayer, and am born fresh again. My mindy and body becomes totally fresh” ,
> says Rahman.
> Rahman who kept openly saying that God’s blessings and Islam are the main
> reasons for his success, was faced with a problem very soon. That was the
> accusation that he offered financial help to Islamic terrorists!
> (to be continued)
> Aravind
> ------------------------------
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> Rahmania show interviews:
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