Dear All,

Just landed back from Pune after getting the satisfaction of attending a
very nice concert and meeting very true dedicated good human beings who are
TRUE RAHMANIACS also. In my opinion, these could be the plus and minuses
about the concert....

( Opinions are strictly personal )


1. The Sound system was better than that of Calicut Concert, though many
songs didnt create the effect it should have otherwise.
2. The Lighting and the LED Display was good.
3.Participation of Rahmania Wandering Souls in the Show
4. The Crowd in Pune, the Ambience and the way they came to the outskirts of
the city to welcome Rahman and enjoy the show
5. The New Addiction of Songs were good.  The Medley in the piano was
terrific with ARR on the piano
6. ARR coming down the stage and interrogating some of the audience was very
nice and different
7. Sivamani's sudden appearance in Jiya Se Jiya threw everyone into sheer
8. The RJ Medley was very nice ....


1. The gap between songs was little more, which distracted the attention of
the audience. It should have been covered by playing some music or something
so as to not divert the attention of the audience

2. The Sound System should have  been more effective. Dil Se Re didnt have
the effect which it ought to have had

3. Absence of SIVAMANI in the other songs

In totality, it was a very enjoyable concert and I take this opportunity to
thank Vinayakam Murugan, Dinesh Vaidya and other localites from Pune, Mumbai
who had assisted, helped other Rahmaniacs reach the venue and enjoy the
show, by offering their loving services.

God Bless All.

Thanks and JAI HO to ARR for the Show


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