"Rahman's music is beautiful, fast and rustic music."

Rustic?? I doubt.. His music is predominantly urban & urbane.

Thanks for sharing.  Is it possible to provide the scans of the originals along 
with transliteration?

From: Vithur <vith...@gmail.com>
To: arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2009 10:11:41 PM
Subject: [arr] "Rahman's success is stunning" :- Raihanna

 Interview with Raihanna 
Q :- Your opinion about Illayaraja and A.R. Rahman ? 
Music of Raja is melodious than the flute. Rahman's music is beautiful, fast 
and rustic music. Raja used to act fast in the arena of music. He can compose 
many songs within the same day. But Rahman isnt like that. He sometimes, takes 
days to complete one particular song. 
Raja has a very seperate high pedestal in Music. Some of his select songs are 
very special. The songs that get released out of Rahman are less in number. But 
many of his songs are very famous. 
Raja is very famous in South India. But Rahman has crossed leaps and bounds and 
his music has transcended to International Arenas. His success in music is very 
technical and very stunning. 
( to be continued ) 
Raani Magazine 

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