With every Rahman music release, just release the songs as usual.  Once the 
movie hits, re-release either a single CD of just the BGMs or a double CD of 
the same songs (with extra versus, versions, etc.) plus a CD of the entire BGMs 
of the movie.  Music companies will question profitability....but you know, 
with Rahman as a brand name these days, there is enough of a global market out 
there of music lovers and Rahman fans in my opinion who would gladly lap up a 
CD of his BGMs.  Ok, fine, just release a limited edition......limited number 
of copies.....say, ten thousand of the double CD with BGMs.  Come on, there has 
got to be a way!!!!  Or release the BGMs under KM label......  Come on guys, 
help me out here!  Is this just wishful, fantasy thinking or is there even an 
ounce of a realistic possibility for this to happen? 

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