AR Rahman and several international artistes to create a special album to pay 
homage to the late Michael Jackson...

a matter of few months, AR Rahman has lost two people he looked up to -
sound engineer H Sridhar and Michael Jackson. Sound engineer H Sridhar
passed away in December due to cardiac arrest and the cause of MJ’s
death is still a mystery.

Consequently, Rahman has decided to
put together a special album as a mark of respect to MJ. Of late,
Rahman has been making several trips to the US because his secret dream
project is ready to take off. Artistes from all across the globe will
contribute to this album. It is believed that the album will have a few
recreated songs of MJ, along with Rahman’s original compositions.

King of Pop’s untimely and mysterious death unsettled Rahman. A source
said, “The two deaths one after the other made Rahman realise the
uncertainty of life. These tragedies have made him more spiritual.”

had earlier said, “Artistes and their art lives for ever. My late sound
engineer Sridhar had brought me a video of the premiere of Michael’s
Remember the Time when I was recording the track Kadal Rojave for my
first movie Roja. That afternoon, that video inspired all of us. Now,
there is no Sridhar and no Jackson anymore.”

Rahman was looking
forward to working with MJ whom he had met during the Oscar Awards in
Los Angeles earlier this year. Talking about his meeting with the pop
star, Rahman had said, “MJ was concerned about contemporary
developmental issues such as global warming, wars and their
consequences. He asked me to compose a unity anthem on the lines of We
are the World for him. I nodded in awe.”

When asked about the
album, Rahman, who is going LA this week, said cautiously, “It’s too
early to talk about it. Talking about it right now may jeopardise


Rahman fever
His Music ~ My Mother Tongue

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