I was searching the forum for all disappointment mails and not surprisingly,
found hundreds of them - most of them were sent just before the release of
an album or a film.. mostly judging by the preview, a disappointed fan comes
to a conclusion that this is not like Roja, Taal or *insert your favorite
album here* etc. etc.

But the most interesting disappointment mails were little bit different..
here is a list of my favorite disappointment mails.

If anyone gets offended, get offended.. that is exactly the purpose of this
mail. Because, we are sick of seeing these people popping up whenever a new
album is going to release.

1 .  AR Rahman does not mention more Tamil Movie names as his favorite
albums -  Fans Get Disappointed

2.  Someone posts a preview of a song into youtube and the first mail will
be - Disappointed!!

3.  AR Rahman is concentrating more on hindi projects - Disappointed

4.  Intro of a song sounds a bit similar to another song he / she heard of
another composer - Huge disappointment!

5.  AR Rahman is not doing this movie or that movie - Disappointed.

6.  AR Rahman chooses a singer over another who he / she thinks would have
been a better choice - because he / she thinks that his / her knowledge in
music is far superior than the others.. even rahman.  -  well, they get

7. When a singer cannot pronounce a particular word correctly - Disappointed

8.  The rhythm of a song sounds familiar to that of a song he composed in
another language, or another year -  How could rahman do this to us!! we are

10. When someone tells these disappointed fans to take it easy,  they are
easily offended and get - disappointed!


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