I was jus thinking abt this... why Rahmanji being compared with other Music 
Directors ?

Answer came into my mind was.....

 Rahmanji shouldn't be compared with other Music Directors.. He is not a 
competitor He is a Goal for other music directors 
He keeps setting goals for them to achieve .. once they reach his
position he again sets a goal... Which they start working again... The
last goal set was OSCAR

 Once some one achieve or comes near to Oscar his position again Goes up 
something more ....may be 3 oscars at a time  
he does't stick to that postion he keeps improvising his position year
by year .. month by month day by day ...... like his tunes.....

So, we should stop comparing ARR with other MDs.. He's not a Competitor He is a 

Jai Ho Rahmanji !!!

Regards, Ram..       ~  Rαнмαη αddicт™  ~

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