What a bizarre post! 

It's fairly obvious that the market for film scores in the West is niche and 
minuscule. It needs something like a  cult phenomenon  (Pirates of the 
Caribbean, Twilight, LOTR, Slumdog Millionaire) for the general public to 
embrace the film score. Furthermore the film score market is even smaller for 
the comedy genre. They seldom put out cd releases. There's no use lamenting 
that ARR's work might not get a patient listen and some appreciation. Now us 
ARR fans will buy the Couples Retreat score cd because it's an ARR work. How 
many other comedy scores will you buy or listen to? Or just film scores? Should 
the fans of Rolfe Kent, Christophe Beck, Teddy Castellucci, Theodore Shapiro & 
Marc Shaiman all complain that very few appreciate their scores?
It's all a consequence of the market. Now if it becomes a cult-hit, then that's 
a different situation altogether.

BTW Slumdog was a fine movie and would still be worth it even without the music.

And lastly every reputed science website & journal that I've seen has 
acknowledged India's Chandrayaan for the moon-water findings so I don't know 
where you're getting that misinformation from. Perhaps Times of Nasa, 
NasaGlitz, NasaFM, NasaGaana, NasaWoods, NasaFundas, NasaSouth, GlamNasa?


From: vishal_kalel1 <vishal.ka...@gmail.com>
To: arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 10:45:44 AM
Subject: [arr] Will america listen???

Rehman's music has always been best and enchanting. Though it is never been 
reviewed properly or credited for its creativity. Slumdog Millionaire had 
prolific music which deserved Oscar because the movie was not worth without 
it!!! Everything works on hype and marketting in western countries. Couples 
retreat is surely a heavenly treat to Rehmaniacs like me. But.. But the problem 
is America is not used to such music. Rehman's score requires time to grow 
because of its beautifully intricate nature. I have doubt they will listen it 
with good attention or not. What sounds treat to our ears may not be even 
noticed my them. Its our wish Oscar comes to Rehman's studio every year (like 
Filmfares come every year). Western coutnries might like watching slumdog while 
eating burgers and commenting about india's poverty, but when it comes to 
genuine indian talent, no one can guarantee its appreciation by them. The very 
recent example is "Discovery of water on moon by
 NASA" which was reported in worlds most renowned science journal without even 
a single mention of ISRO or india.


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