ichord - That was a great review on my review. Thank you so much. It feels 
great when people understand the review, in exactly way it was intended to be 
while writing. 



'--- In arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com, "ichord" <purev...@...> wrote:
> Bravo!  Great job, Suresh!  Now, that's what I call a great review, doing 
> full justice to this exquisite soundtrack.  I esp. like that you talked about 
> the sounds, instruments, arrangements a lot, which really do deserve specific 
> menttion in each track.  I liked how you tried to connect the music to the 
> visuals, giving more meaning to each track in context.  Appreciated how you 
> tried to put the "comedy" element in logical light, stating that the serious 
> music is for those who are the butt of the jokes and who don't find it funny, 
> but the rest do!  Makes perfect sense!  I love some of your descriptions, 
> like, "bed of soft strings".....very classy!  Lastly, you very nicely put 
> this in perspective in comparison to Slumdog in that even though it won't 
> gather the same attention and perhaps level of accolades as Slumdog, it still 
> deserves to be celebrated as a beautifully strong entrance for Rahman into 
> hollywood. I can see your knowledge and ear for good music is quite refined 
> and I really appreciate that.  The only thing I didn't agree with you was the 
> criticism on Sajna Re, but I respect that opinion a lot because you explained 
> in detail why you felt that way.  Geez, I wish more people would write 
> reviews like you do!!!!  And yes, you very correctly stated that it used the 
> same musical template as Dreams on Fire, which is what I thought too when I 
> heard it.
> For me, the core strength of this soundtrack is in artistic, aural, and 
> aesthetic beauty, not commercial potential.  It's one of the most beautifully 
> crafted compositionally and sonically mostly acoustic album by Rahman and to 
> me, that's all I need to celebrate, regardless of movie success.  That is the 
> greatest distinction between this and Slumdog, which was more of a 
> commercial, highly energized, stylish, electronic soundtrack.  Both Slumdog 
> and Couple's Retreat showcase ARR's versatility amazingly and I hope people 
> here in the West recognize that.   
> --- In arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com, "sureshmechnit" <sureshmechnit@> wrote:
> >
> > http://backgroundscore.blogspot.com/2009/09/listening-couples-retreat.html
> >

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