Many many thanks for sharing this expose on Music. I really like the way that 
music is described and this is totally what our Boss does with music. He 
reaches our inner being with his extraordinary talents.


--- In, "ichord" <purev...@...> wrote:
> Rahmaniacs,
> Listening to Couple's Retreat sends me on one of the most richest emotional 
> and intellectual experiences I can remember having from just one soundtrack.  
> There are so many emotions in this soundtrack, but all pure and sincere, all 
> within the brilliance of a mind boggling musical score.  I'd like to share 
> with you an article written by one of our Indian musician from 
> Chennai!  Reading this article about the relationship between music, thought, 
> communication, and emotions affirmed my rich analytical and emotional journey 
> when listening to an album like Couple's Retreat, which is one of the most 
> beautifully colorful and intelligent albums I have ever heard from anyone, 
> anywhere.  My favorite quote from this article is the concluding statement, 
> "Music prepares the soul for something higher....."
> The power of music 
> Bombay Jayashri Ramnath 
> The writer is a Carnatic musician based in Chennai.
> Music has the power to cause emotions to well up within us. These feelings 
> are gripping - often irresistible - and seem to emerge from nowhere. These 
> feelings colour our moods, affect our perceptions and generate a behavioural 
> pattern. The indisputable fact about music is its power to evoke emotions. Is 
> there anyone, for whom, music is completely emotional - neutral? Music has 
> the ability to inevitably tap the still, mysterious deep well of our emotions.
> However, music can produce various emotional responses in different 
> individuals and even different responses in the same person at different 
> times. Music may produce expressions of various emotions - peaceful, 
> relaxing, exciting, festive, boring, unsettling, unstimulating, invigorating 
> ... and so on.
> Music is an extremely versatile medium of communication. It is capable of 
> exploring all the features that are used in verbal communication. Moreover, 
> it does so in an explicit and structured way, which makes it an interesting 
> and useful window into human communication, in general.
> The repetition of a line as in a lullaby, the regular beating of a drum - 
> they produce a feeling of physical ease and lull the child to sleep. The 
> rhythmic sound of the train, of waves breaking on the shore, the song of a 
> cricket at night - why, even the electric fan is able to produce a soothing 
> physical quiet. But good music does not stop there. It touches our emotions. 
> True music really far deeper and touches our very soul and leaves its imprint 
> on us. It may not be possible to explain or describe this reaction in 
> ordinary language. It can only be felt. It is one of those mystic 
> experiences, which baffle analytical explanation.
> Music is known to endow the listener with aesthetic or intellectual pleasure. 
> It can be simple, complex, subtle, overt - and these features may reside in 
> one of the different aspects of the music e.g. rhythm, melody. Some of the 
> greatness of music however, lies in its holistic nature that all the elements 
> form a unique wholeness which may not be understood by studying the parts 
> separately. However complex, music is readily appreciated by the mind without 
> the need for formal knowledge.
> The lay listener may not be able to hear which instruments are playing, or 
> which pitches are used. Yet, he or she may have no problem appreciating the 
> music as a whole. An experienced listener, on the other hand, may be able to 
> transcribe every note, but might still be at a loss to understand why the 
> music is so pleasing to listen to even for the time!
> As a performer, I believe that music can recreate emotions and get the 
> listeners involved with my emotions. Any particular music has an inherent 
> emotion. And, there is the emotion that one feels while rendering. Besides, 
> the listener is in an emotional state while listening to that music - which 
> is also important because it could be possible that this will now be linked 
> to the emotional state of the listener. So he or she can use the song to 
> recreate this emotion. Very often we hear people say "This is my song" and 
> feel that special emotion again.
> Rhythm and melody are two facets of music that lend themselves to enjoyment 
> in their individual capacities. The experience of beat and rhythm has a 
> simple relation with joy, well-being and even excitement. Babies 
> spontaneously start to rock and move when they hear music with a pronounced 
> beat in a medium or fast tempo. By changing rhythm, we can change the 
> aesthetic appeal of a piece of music. Even a change of tempo can cause 
> variations in the aesthetic appeal.
> Similarly, melody, which is the soul of music, can create different types of 
> feelings in listeners. Some melodies bring soulfulness, some sadness, some 
> bring jubilance or tranquility.
> Music is created from the heart and moulded by emotion. As musicians, we are 
> inherently creative - so people say - and we have the ability to derive 
> intense pleasure from a particular piece of music, which we listen to or 
> produce. Here, I am referring to an aesthetic experience, which everybody 
> must have felt. Tears of joy, a tug at the heart, goose pimples... True art 
> always comes as an irresistible inner urge. We hear a song of Thyagaraja and 
> are enthralled just as we gaze at a majestic temple or an ancient sculpture 
> with wonder. All such works of art are the result of an inner urge. That is 
> why it is something inherently beautiful.
> ... And there can be no enjoyment more impersonal and sublimating than what 
> it offers. It prepares the very soul for something higher.

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