To me, if there was a relative weakness in ARR's compositions of late, it would 
be some of his dance oriented tracks.....Papu, Latoo, Shano, etc. etc. Notice 
the word "relative".  Some of these songs did become quite popular and they are 
catchy, but for me, they represented a "skippable" track in the soundtrack.  

With Blue, I was quite afraid prior that there would be another Papu or Shano 
in the mix, a track that I would tap my foot to, but not really find much else 
to latch onto, hence another skipper.  However, when I heard tracks like 
Chiggy, Aaj Dil, and especially Fiqrana, I was pleasantly surprised that ARR 
hit the right combo for me this time.

About Fiqrana, for me, it's one of ARR's strongest dance/groove oriented tracks 
ever.  It's got everything that I enjoy about tracks like these.....incredible 
groove rhythm,  sweet sound effects, seamless transitions, and to me most 
importantly, good melody and good chords.  The chords and melody in this song 
really take it to another level IMO.

When I hear this song, I get the same good feeling that I get when I hear 
"Chaiya Chaiya".  I'm not saying it's as good of a song as Chaiya, but the same 
elements are there to make for an incredibly enjoyable listening experience.  
Fiqrana totally energizes me, gets me motivated, pumps me up, but also has 
endearing melodic hooks which linger on much after in my mind.  To me, that's's not just another ordinary dance track....the song has got some soul 
and depth too.

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy...Fiqrana!   TOTALLY ROCKS!!!!!  

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