Exactly.  I think some fans get overly excited about ar as a person. Why not
just listen to the music he makes and appreciate it ?  Fully agree with you
Vithur. but unfortunately, this will continue... that has been proven many
times in this forum. That's the sad part.

On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 10:43 AM, Vithur <vith...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear All,
> I have a sincere request and a suggestion.
> Lets be fans, lovers, admirers of ARR and his music, but lets not be
> fanatics displaying too much of excitement, exuberation . Lets follow ARR's
> words and his music ; Lets not follow ARR personally at a human level. It
> becomes so tough for him to cater to each and every fan individually.
> AR hardly has time to devote for his family... His schedules are so tight.
> He gives us music for us to enjoy for ages. Lets appreciate it, enjoy it and
> absorb it.
> Lets follow ARR morally, spiritually but not physically. Pls...
> --
> regards,
> Vithur


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