So start the negative reviews ....

*Mumbai: **
Film:* *Blue* (U/A)
*Director:* Anthony D'souza
*Cast:* Sanjay Dutt, Akshay Kumar, Zayed Khan, Lara Dutta and others
*Rating:* *
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Anthony D'souza, director of *Blue*, said in an interview that it was
important to keep the running time of the film under two hours (1.57hrs to
be precise) so that the audience didn't get bored. D'souza couldn't have got
it more wrong. Blue could have easily been shorter, or even not have been
made at all.

Okay, agreed that India hasn't seen an action film of this scale before. The
canvas is huge, the cinematography pretty good and the making slick. Money
has been spent like water and that's the closest the film comes to its

But even as *Blue* tries to emulate every Hollywood film in the action
genre, it hardly matches up to any of them. It instead ends up,
embarrassingly, like a poor B-grade film from the west. *Bad Boys* anyone?
Nope, this one's just bad.

If you've seen the promos, you roughly know the plot. It's another matter
that even after the film ends, you don't really know what the plot was after
all. Way back in 1949, the British decided to return some of India's jewels
back to the country and dispatched them on a ship called Lady in Blue. The
vessel sunk, untraced, in mysterious circumstances and its contents remained

Now businessman Aarav (Kumar, addressed annoyingly as Sarkar) wants to find
the 'treasure' the ship carried and can only do so with the help of
friend-cum-employee Sagar (Dutt, addressed annoyingly as Sethji). Everything
else pertaining to the plot is incidental and as pointless as the premise of
the film itself.

Director D'souza needs to know that an action film needn't necessarily have
close-up shots of a woman's cleavage and derrière repeatedly and pointless
gun firing and chase sequences.

It definitely should not have lengthy verbose scenes, especially when the
film rests on such a flimsy plot in the first place. You pray for the story
to move on, but Gulshan - played by Rahul Dev - mouths dialogues like*
hai* and such others at a leisured pace, while scenes seem repetitive.

And after all that talk about the 'treasure hunt', all that the actors do in
the end is dive into the sea and its right there waiting for them. How in
hell did no one else ever get their hands on all that gold!

Among the 'jewels' you take back home with you is Akshay Kumar saying "*Hamein
treasure hunt pe jaana hoga*" - or something to that effect - like it's a
trip to Lonavala and back.

For the actor himself, the film is a new low. Every time you step in to
watch a Kumar film now, you are expecting something nonsensical, but you
hope it at least entertains you in the bargain. After disappointing you
every time in his last - we've lost count now - few films, this one just
makes you hope that he'll finally realise that a film also needs a script!

Sanjay Dutt looks bloated, and no effort goes into ensuring that the paunch
is somewhat hidden. He, however, puts in a decent effort. Zayed Khan is as
far from being cool as the amount of effort he puts into looking it. Lara
Dutta provides the appropriate eye candy to save the film from being a
complete washout.

It's not that a film like *Blue* needs an Oscar-winning script or even
scenes that justify the action. Most escapist entertainers of this variety
rely on a racy script that keeps you on-the-edge and breathtaking action
that blows your mind away. This film, sadly, has neither.

So what's the point, you say? Here, it seems like the idea was to make the
Hindi film industry's 'costliest' film, make a lot of noise about it, get
people in theatres during the holiday season and have a 'Hit' on hands.

Hopefully, the next time, all that money would be used to make something
that's at least worth watching. This one isn't. Except, if you're looking
for a spoof.

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