Mumbai: Double Oscar-winner AR Rahman is so inspired by Michael Jackson's music 
that he is set to include the compositions of the iconic pop star as a subject 
at his music school, the KM Music Conservatory in Chennai. Rahman will also don 
the hat of a lecturer for this course, giving the first lecture on Jackson, his 
life and times, and how it influenced his own music.
The composer adds: "Michael is an institution in his own right. His work is 
vast in variation and quantity. He showed his expertise in genres like R&B, 
Pop, Soul. We are looking at teaching our student various genres of music and 
also about music that left an impression on the minds and hearts of 
generations. Michael undoubtedly is one of them. Personally, it will be a 
matter of pride to talk to my students about Michael's music. I have enjoyed 
his music for years now and I've been grieved by his untimely demise.""I have 
been inspired by Michael and his works for years now. I had met him and though 
he was such a big star, he was always a very humble human being. That really 
touched and inspired me. I think he was an inspiration for an entire 
generation. His music must have influenced countless musicians across the world 
and it would be an honour for me to have the students of my music school learn 
and discuss the artist of the century," Rahman told DNA.
Rahman also goes on to say that Michael's sudden death has taught him a big 
lesson of life. "Michael Jackson was living a life which many like me can only 
dream of. He was a legend and did not have to hanker for the spotlight. Despite 
him having everything, he died in a second. It has taught me the greatest 
lessonabout how life truly is. You can have everything but all those things 
might not be of any use," he says.
Rahman adds: "I have realised that the spotlight might be on me now because I 
have won awards and am doing some good work. I have to make sure that all this 
attention does not blind me from looking inside, and my family. I can't let the 
spotlight take control of my mind because the day I don't work well, all this 
will also go in a second." 


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