What about Mr.Chord.

Now a days his nice writes up are missing!!!
What happened to him?



From: Rakesh R <rakesha...@gmail.com>
To: arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, November 23, 2009 10:36:39 PM
Subject: Re: [arr] Re: Oldest Group Members

Many of the fans on this group are dormant. And it's such a huge pleasure to 
read the archives from backwards. Going down to where Gopal introduces the 
group and where all the fans introduce themselves and share their thoughts and 
views on AR. 
I got a yahoo mail to join this group. One of my friend's brother was checking 
it out. I had no idea what to do here but I was a member since 2004 when i was 
in my tenth std. 

On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 12:19 AM, !--Sri Balaji--! <esbsrinivas@ yahoo.co. in> 

>Hey guys,
>Why this mail thread is extending for just an unnecessary debate "Who is 
>senior and Who is junior", It can be better put up like this, "Am I a active 
>member of this group". 
>Vithur ji, 
>Please don't list anyone's name. Everyone is an ardent fan of Rahmanji(You use 
>to reply, whenever we say you are a great fan of ARR). I request you to cut 
>down the thread by replying once. 
>luving you all,
>--- On Sun, 22/11/09, Pradeepan R <pradeepanisonline@ gmail.com> wrote:
>>From: Pradeepan R <pradeepanisonline@ gmail.com> 
>>Subject: Re: [arr] Re: Oldest Group Members
>>To: arrahmanfans@ yahoogroups. com
>>Date: Sunday, 22 November, 2009, 10:20 PM 
>>so u r the new "jeansdi" :))
>>On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 2:30 AM, Din, D, Nesh <dinesh.theboss@ hotmail.com> 
>>>i have been here since 2001 end,2002 begining with the nick jeansdi. :)
>>>--- In arrahmanfans@ yahoogroups. com, "Rafid" <rafid.nuhuman@ ...> wrote:
>>>> Folks
>>>> I am kinda new to this group. May I know the oldest members in the group? 
>>>> I've seen some people at times ask Gops and/ or Vijay to confirm any news. 
>>>> Can anyone name the 10 oldest members of the group. Thank you. 
>>>> Regards
>>>> Rafid
>>"All you need to do is, decide what to do with the time that is given to you 
 >The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.



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