Hi Santhosh,

Definitely u r one of the asset of our grp.
Keep going with ur gr8 work.

Luv u AR........ Luv u Santhosh !!!!




From: Santosh Pandey <skpandey...@ymail.com>
To: arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, December 8, 2009 10:20:53 AM
Subject: [arr] Sir A R Rahman Library & Gallery [5 Attachments]

[Attachment(s) from Santosh Pandey included below]
                            Bismillahhir Rahmannir Rahim,
   All Dear, 
                   My All RahmanFans Friends & RahmanSir ,Please See  Photo of 
Sir A R Rahman Library & Gallery . I wishes u Like this Beautiful photo of Sir 
A R Rahman Library & Gallery .....
    Thanks & Regrads ,
  SantoshKumar Pandey,
Sir A R Rahman Library & Gallery . 

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