I heard that tickets are available online...where can I buy them.

On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 3:03 PM, Vithur <vith...@gmail.com> wrote:

>   Hitting the high notes
>  *The Mirror Magazine talks to Dinesh Subasinghe about his progress in the
> music industry, his new award and working under A. R. Rahman* *By Adilah
> Ismail*
> “I have no words,” says Dinesh Subasinghe. “I can’t explain it. It’s been
> amazing” he says simply, speaking about his experiences studying under
> musical maestro A.R. Rahman.
> Dinesh is well on his way to carving his niche as an artiste. Having
> secured a place at the music academy run by A.R. Rahman and with a number of
> achievements under his belt, it is clear that this young musician will be
> one to watch in the years to come.
>    Dinesh with his award
> In the process of studying various aspects of music, such as music history,
> theory, conducting and audio technology under reputed teachers, Dinesh’s
> love for music constantly fuels him and urges him to set his standards
> higher.
> “I love music and I don’t like to generalize,” says Dinesh explaining that
> his style of music fluctuates from rock, folk, classical and pop as opposed
> to limiting himself to one genre in particular.
> Dinesh, who recently received an award at the SIGNIS (OCIC) awards ceremony
> as best music director for the teledrama ‘Siri Sirimal’ directed by Sunil
> Costa, explained that while studying at the academy he continues his
> commercial work as a full time musician. “We work and study from 8 a.m – 8
> p.m at the academy. It is only after 9 in the night, that we do all our
> other work,” he explained.
> Dinesh is the first Sri Lankan member invited to join the South Indian Cine
> Musicians Union, and remains humbled by this accomplishment. Having composed
> music for ‘Sundarai Premaya’, an upcoming teledrama directed by
> Chandrarathna Mapitigama, Dinesh, speaking to the Mirror Magazine, explained
> that compositions for more teledramas and movies can be expected in the near
> future.
> Dinesh remains modest about his many achievements,insisting that none of it
> would be possible if not for the encouragement and assistance received from
> numerous people who supported him in his endeavours.
> Six months into his musical education in India at the popular K. M. Music
> Conservatory in Chennai, Dinesh has no qualms about following his passion
> and doing what he loves.
> And what plans for the future? “I have an idea to work in both countries
> and I have plans to start a musical band,” says the young musician.
> http://www.sundaytimes.lk/100103/Magazine/sundaytimesmirror_04.html
> --
> regards,
> Vithur

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