Completely agreeing with myown_niche. Actually the logic is simple. Bringing
in Western sound to India and at the same time rendering Indian Sound to

And I do strongly think, if GM does complete justice to the songs this album
will be taken by the mass.

Just taking the fact that I hated the music of 3 idiots first and when same
song where used at the prompt scene, I started loving it.

"Aaromalae in Loop !"

On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 12:44 AM, myown_niche <>wrote:

> I'm not going to sing praises for ARR. I don't know the scientific nuances
> of the music. But I believe (which may be proved wrong!)that I have good
> ears for good music.
> After hearing VTV 3-4 times, I'm still intrigued. I know that something
> different is happening there; I'm clueless but something pulls me into it.
> Now, considering the sensibilities that ARR's previous albums had, it all
> had an Indian touch. So if he is going beyond the boundaries with a Tamil
> album, this sound and musical touch may disappoint even a core ARR fan who
> loves to hear pure Indianness in the album. I think ARR is taking a small
> step towards unifying some global aspects where the Indian melody meets the
> Western instruments, rooted completely on sound textures that appeal to both
> Indian and Rest-of-the-world ears. And the main problem may be that we are
> not ready for it. We don't know it yet. We are ignorant about it.
> So I believe this album will take more time to sink in because we have to
> develop our ears and heart and mind to get ready for such a stuff!!
> Now coming to reviews. I know what ARR has done starting from 1990s. I have
> read reviews praising and ridiculing ARR. But I hear the songs for myself
> and not for any reviewer who writes for or against his works. No offense
> meant. I have fun reading the pieces. But the music is still rated by me on
> my hearing. And I have found no one influencing me in that matter. So I have
> a humble request to everyone to hear the music for yourself and judge it
> accordingly. At the end of the day, the reviewer also is airing a personal
> opinion (may be a bit influence because of commercial aspects)!
> And about ARR. I give no other MD the hearing time and space I give for ARR
> because it's something that captured my attention way back in 1992 when I
> was just 7. And since then, no one ever attracted me into music like him.
> Not even the great Pink Floyd and the likes. Not even the Pop music. Not
> even any music in my mother tongue, Malayalam.
> So still I'm giving myself time to understand VTV. And I don't care what
> any reviewer says about it. You may give from 1/10 to 10/10. I'll read them
> too. But let me go back to hear the tracks.
> Cheers!

Farzad Khaleel

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