I am not sure why that is not posible, I happened to post a similar question to 
Chinmayi on her blog and this is what she had to say. I am pasting it as it was 
in her blog and i hope i can do that ! 

My question: 


Watched the VTV audio launch and at times - i felt that the unplugged version 
sounds as stunning as the album version itself. 

i was trying to play both side by side to see how different they were. I think 
unplugged version sounds more like "the mood" of the lyrics. The tune feels 
pure there !

Do you think you can do an actual recording of the unplugged version and 
release it. I'd for sure pay for it ! and i know millions of maniacs like me 
would do the same. 

Just the Piano, guitar and the vocals ! 

Praying for this to happen !

Chinmayi;s response ! 

"Sreekrishnan: True we had a great time putting it together. I am not sure if 
that would release though I believe Rahman sir said something like that should 
happen. But not sure if it would come to existence. "

If we here express interest, i am sure they can officially release !! Not a Bad 
idea anyways ! 

Lets hope it happens ! 

--- In arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com, "Rivjot" <riv...@...> wrote:
> Another CD release with unplugged versions? Forget about it!! Dont even think 
> about it in your dreams because that simply is not going to happen. 
> There are some serious statements you made and I fall in the category of 
> people who (have to) download from net..
> First of all its not pirated versions on amazon / iTunes, they are official 
> legal versions - whatever is on CD. I dont agree with your negative thoughts 
> on "Lets download because I am going to buy the CD anyways" 
> From my point of view, it is alright to download and then buy the music (well 
> thats what I do for Non-ARR albums as I cant just blindly buy every album 
> that comes in the market, I buy non-ARR albums AFTER listening to them. 
> concept is - buy the album if you like it). Now for ARR albums, as we are 
> obsessed with his music, most of us  cant just wait to listen to the songs. 
> You are lucky one who has Tamil video/audio stores at places near you, but 
> that isnt the situation in rest of the world. There is not even a single 
> music stores in my entire province / state where I can get Tamil CDs. 
> This time around for VTV, songs were available on iTunes (iPhone only) and I 
> was fortunate that I have iPhone. What about people who dont have iPhones? Do 
> you think someone would buy expensive phone like iPhone ($ 750) just to 
> listen to one album. Even if album was available for regular iTunes download, 
> I can totally understand that a person wouldnt want to spend double the cost 
> of CD for songs (buy mp3 songs then buy CD) unless he is a hardcore fan - 
> thats why they chose to download songs (even for free) and then buy CDs 
> (because they like the music, they want to support the artist).
> .. and amazon, only people in UK can buy mp3s, why not people in other 
> countries? .. and what about people who dont even have credit cards (because 
> both iTunes & Amazon require visa / master card)?
> Since Amazon is delivering CDs in Feb / March - do you really expect us to go 
> through the pain of not listening to songs till Feb / March?
> In short, it is not us, it is distributors , music companies themselves who 
> are responsible for this ugly situation of piracy. If they distribute 
> properly, make CDs available at most places within same time, piracy can 
> definitely be minimized to some level. 
> arghhh what is wrong with me.. I am supposed to be enjoying VTV songs and I 
> am writing this non-pleasant statements. I guess I should watch these 
> unplugged version videos to change my mood =)
> --- In arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com, Indmov Buff <indmovbuff@> wrote:
> >
> > http://tamil.techsatish.net/file/vinnai-thandi-varuvaya-audio-release/
> > 
> > Amazing
> > unplugged versions of the VTV soundtrack. Damn! Can we convince the
> > organisers to release these tracks?! I am sure someone's ripping them
> > as I type but the high quality version of the unplugged version is
> > priceless. What do we have to do to get our hands on these gems? 
> > 
> > This
> > soundtrack is growing on me. Mannipaye was an immediete draw for me and
> > now slowly the other songs are growing on me. There's something magical
> > about this soundtrack. Something. Cannot find the right words to
> > describe the feeling.But there sure is something.  I really hope this
> > movie is all what we expect it to be. Good luck to the team!  
> > 
> > And
> > please buy the CD folks. Please. It's sad to see people justifying
> > listening to the pirated (read stolen) version with "oh I am going to
> > buy the CD anyway so it's alright to download the pirated version ".
> > That's really not the attitude we should be taking as responsible fans.
> > The pirated market is thriving because of sentiments like this.
> > Demand=supply. These videos remind you of the hardwork and passion that
> > goes behind a soundtrack like this and how do we reward them ?By
> > stealing their work. In my eyes, there's no difference between someone
> > who only downloads pirated mp3s and someone who downloads pirated mp3s
> > and then buys the CD. Both are equally guilty for creating demand for
> > pirated music. These artists deserve better. And for those reputable
> > music reviwers out there (likes of Karthik-milliblog etc), I humbly
> > request you to not write up reviews based on stolen music. Please. It
> > may not change your opinion of the soundtrack and that's not what I am
> > concerned about- the concern is the fact that you are encouraging
> > piracy.
> > 
> > Excuse the preaching folks and enjoy the music!
> >

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