
i think VTV is in my recent memory one album that has been liked by
most people. Unlike the previous albums where there have been people
expressing how the album was a let down (at times after just 1 hearing
or a 30 sec clips), there has been only praises from every quarters on

No ones gonna be asking when's the next AR release for a while :) As
Chord said, VTV is sure going to find it's place among the top 10
albums of AR sir. I'm glad Boss has silenced all those critics who
said he doesn't care about Tamil industry. It's the quality that
matters! If it's albums like VTV I'm ready to wait as long as it

While I've always loved the people, the sound of the language and the
natural beauty of gods own country, it's my first time to be clued on
to a Malayalam number. Thank you sir, it just sounds heavenly :)

I can't decide which song is the best from the album. Every song seems
the best for the 4-5 minutes I listen to it only to be replaced by the
next track.

Thank you Sir! 2010 couldn't have had a better start.

Jai Ho!

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