did you know that years ago, Gopal also started an e-group for Sachin

On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 11:15 AM, Rajesh <raj_d_ku...@rediffmail.com> wrote:

> Many things has said about similarities between Sachin tendulkar and AR
> Rahman. We able to see why they are great and what makes them great. Exactly
> around 1 year back ARR win the Oscars and one year after sachin scored 200,
> a first for any India, in fact any individual in the world..
> When sachin scored the 200, you can see the calmness in his behavior..
> there is a sense of jubilant, but he didn't show it outside or taken it just
> like any other small send of joy, A pray to god.. remembering his father,
> raising bad to the teammates and thanking the crowd. Exactly the same way
> ARR did when he get the OSCARS. It just shows how great they are. It just
> shows the pure nature of the individual.. an lotus , which can be pure even
> when it is standing on a muddy water..
> It reminds me of an old saying of half full pot makes more noise than a
> full filled one.. They never criticize anybody even other criticize them,
> write them of.. but they bounce back with such a force that the critic don't
> get a word to describe their agony. An attitude which say " l should do my
> work the best I can, the rewards will come along " .
> As people, we can learn a lot from them and infact every individual should
> learn from them.. how to let not success run over their head, how to reply
> to a critic without saying a single abusive word.. how to be totally
> grounded when sky is the limit for you..
> I am not good in writing, but the words just came and I wrote what I feel..
> Hope all the guys felt the same happiness and joy on both the occasions…
> which cannot be described, but can sense it and bring a smile in our faces.
> ARR Rulez...
> Raj

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