where is vithur bro...???

whenever audio release happens he is not available for any comments.

i think he is enjoying the whole bash....

--- In arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com, "AJ" <purev...@...> wrote:
> I think this is the order of things before a new ARR album:
> 1) Tentative date of music release appears online in the media..... everyone 
> is excited, yippee, hooray, can't wait....etc. etc.
> 2) First promo is released.  ARR fans download the audio portion 
> everywhere..play it in their ipods, their cars, their super stereos, even if 
> the clip is 20 seconds in bad sound......but it's new ARR music...  
> Discussions abound.....is it good?  ARR skeptics and naysayers chime 
> in......"I'm very disappointed....album will be bad....what is ARR 
> thinking????"  
> 3) Some funny person named Gopal in this group releases a fake track list and 
> half of all ARR fans everywhere believe it.    
> 4) Music release date comes.....people go to the stores to ask about the 
> CD...but no CD.... and store people give them funny looks....even claiming 
> never having heard of the film.....disappointing trip back home.  Where's the 
> CD?  I thought it was going to release today!  Huh?  What's going on???????  
> Chaos, questions, uncertainty......
> 5) New music date announced in media!  Is it true?  What's the source?  Can 
> we trust it???  Yes, this time it's for real!  
> 4) THE REAL track listing is provided by Gopal and posted on the official AR 
> website....excitement builds, tensions mount....AR fans starting to 
> drool......
> 5) New music release date comes.....people flock to stores, wait anxiously on 
> the computers searching download sites.......but.....where's the music?  
> Where's the CD?  What's going on?  ARREY YAAR...KYA HORA HAI??????????????? 
> "Music was supposed to release today!!!!"  Realization sets in that the 
> launch function was set for the day, but CDs will take time to come out, 
> another 2 weeks, due to T-series screwing up something.  
> 6) Another music release date comes out by T-series.....AR fans everywhere 
> very apprehensive.......but willing to wait......wait...wait.....wait....the 
> waiting gets harder everyday...... Will T series deliver?
> 7)Another promo is released....a new song....something to chew on while we 
> wait for the feast.......more discussions, more analyses, more 
> downloads.....more doubts....."this doesn't sound like ARR...album will 
> flop......I don't have a good feeling about this...etc. etc."  People on this 
> group tell these people to shut up and not judge a whole album just by the 
> clips (but inside, they're worried)
> 8) T series release date is changed again the day before the expected release 
> date due to problems in packaging and distribution.....AR fans everywhere 
> curse T series, calling it bad names, asking why AR albums releases are 
> always botched up and why always with T series...  Notable AR fans start to 
> make calls to T series people demanding an explanation and a true release 
> date.  Multiple release dates are subsequently announced and mass confusion, 
> frustration, chaos among AR fans develops....which is the real date?  Huh?  
> Should I go to the music store that morning or not??????????????   
> 9) Out of the blue, the album releases unexpectedly while people are 
> frustrated and confused.  Downloading begins everywhere while AR fans urge 
> other AR fans to not download and wait to buy the CD.
> 10) Discussions, reviews, analyses, opinions all come flooding out after 
> hearing the album with at least one person saying the music is a complete 
> disappointment..... 
> .....and a whole other chapter within the AR Rahman journey begins........

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