Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M Karunanidhi here today released the theme song for 
the World Classical Tamil Conference, to be held in Coimbatore next month, the 
tunes of which have been composed by Oscar-winning musician A R Rahman.

In his message to motivate the youth, Karunanidhi said confidence was the first 
step towards success and achievement.

"My confidence, perseverance and hard work have brought me where I am today," 
he said.

Lavishing praises on Rahman, the DMK president said the maestro achieved 
stardom and fame purely due to hard work and self-confidence and his story was 
a motivation for youth to aim and achieve big.

Rahman's family converted to Islam many years ago and now the musician is a 
"shining star" of the community, the Chief Minister said.

Recalling double Oscars that Rehman got last year for "Slumdog Millionaire", 
Karunanidhi said despite being hospitalised then for a back surgery, he had 
written to Rahman lauding him for his achievement.

On the theme song, lyrics for which were penned by him, Karunanidhi said he was 
"amazed" after listening to the song.

Speaking on his work, Rahman said his dream of making three generation of 
singers sing has come true with topnotch singers of yesteryear and the present 
crop lending their voices for the song.


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