Nobel Souls...
("This post is dedicated to Vithur bro who is the backbone of this 
“When you are passionate about something, Nothing can stop you.” ~ ARR
Taking this as slogan, even in the scorching summer noon’s, when whole of the 
country is dreading the heat of Chennai, nothing can stop this bunch of guys 
from their mission. They don’t see heat, rain or any personal priorities. They 
some how gather enough arms and ammunition in their bags to destroy an evil. 
The evil is HUNGER and their ammunition is FOOD Packets...
These guys hunt for the hungry faces and leave a smile on every face they 
visit. Feeding one Hungry is more sacred than praying for hours in a temple. 
Humanity still exists on earth and these guys are the living example of it.
Initiating a Nobel deed isn’t a big deal but to continue it for years together 
without missing even a single time is a BIG DEAL!!!
But what’s the source of such positive energy? What brings them together? What 
keeps them going without fail?
Yeah they are fans of a music composer called as AR Rahman and call themselves 
as Rahmaniacs. But how can just a music composer make people so passionate 
about Humanity. The world, where everyone has no time even for their own 
family, why are these guys going around in search for hungry strangers and 
helping them??? Is someone forcing them???
Yes! Their conscience forces them and Who is keeping this conscience still 
alive??? Some divine music notes.
In evening, after making our hands dirty the whole day while struggling with 
this world to survive, all we need is few minutes alone with musical notes 
composed by the maestro. And I believe music works like cleanser.
To survive these days, we create a cemented layer around our heart or it would 
be impossible for any emotional person to live peacefully. But his music works 
like a hammer and break the stone around our heart and shakes our conscience.
Sometimes I feel as if ARR is a messenger from God and who tells us the words 
of God himself through his compositions. The more i listen to some of his 
compositions the more I feel connected to divine powers.
And same is the case with these guys. They are connected with God and the same 
is reflected by their deeds.
They search for opportunities and spend every special occasion with kids 
battling in Orphanages. They serve them special food and entertain them and 
believe me I have seen God in the eyes of those Kids. Their smile is 
everything. We were fortunate enough that our parents spent thousands of rupees 
for toys, gifts, clothes but did we actually understand the value? Just spend 
5/- for a chocolate for them and see the appreciation in their eyes.
AR Rahman fans are so different. When others are spending liters of milk or 
lakhs of rupees on the posters of their heroes, these guys keep loving their 
idol in heart and keep the flame of their good deeds burning. They dnt need any 
publicity. All they need is more hands to join them.
Hope this fire keeps burning. Long Live AR Rahman, Long live Rahmaniacs...
~Love Music Love Life   Neetika                                           
Climate, controversies and the changing signatures of nature

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