My personal experience is "RAHMAN CARES FOR HIS FANS FOR SURE !", here is how 
it went for me and the RAHMANIA group in Pune......

The Wandering souls "RAHMANIA" had participated in the 31'st May 2009 concert 
in Pune as drummers. We had practiced hard for 5 days straight nonstop as we 
had very limited time given to us to prepare including arranging 22 drums.

After the concert was over, we had gathered behind the stage, all were 
exhausted but happy that we did not do any mistakes. 

We noticed ARR exiting the stage through side wings. We all stood in attention 
as we knew we had this last chance to SEE our Guruji. Getting autographs / 
photos or even chatting was the last thing we could attempt as we were warned 
by the Event Management company and moreover, we had seen ARR practicing 
nonstop the night before so as fans, knew that we have to respect his own space.

To our Luck, ARR saw us and walked towards us, and softly spoke something like 
this "Guys, let's have a group photo" !

Then a mad scramble began to locate cameras and assemble the group of 22 
drummers and support team of 6, total 28. Somehow the order was established. In 
all this commotion, ARR was patiently standing with the group and allowed us to 
click atleast 100s of photos with him as group. He was so much enthusiastic 
with the whole scene that he even tried to eject a bystander from the 
photoframe assuming that he is not part of our group ! 

All this took 2-3 minutes and ARR was smiling throughout the shoot. After it 
got over, he said thank you and left the venue.

We got some confidence, I though, let's take ARR's autograph on one of the 
drums we played in the concert. So myself, Anmol Bhave and his wife ran behind 
ARR and caught up with him and requested for autograph on the instrument as 
memento. Surprisingly he complied as we were told later that he does not sign 
instruments or objects. 

Anmol gave him a ballpen to sign the drum and ARR could not sign as the pen ink 
could not write on the synthetic drum skin. He enquired something like "Any 
other pen you have ? "..... 

Luck was on our side, for some reason, I had kept a PERMANENT MARKER pen in my 
pocket and I remembered that at that instant. I gave him the pen and he wrote 
"JAI HO !" on the drum and gave autograph too !

Blaze, Sivamani, Suzanne, Tanwi, Rashid Ali, Roopkumar Rathod, Navin..... all 
signed almost all the drums !

The wandering souls team will never forget this gesture from ARR and other 
artist on that day for making us look special when our role in that event was 

We will cherish these memories forever............

We were helped by kind souls in making this meeting / photo and autograph 
happen and a thank you to all those without whom this would not have been 

Best regards
Dinesh Vaidya
The Wandering Souls "RAHMANIA"

--- In, "Rivjot" <riv...@...> wrote:
> Oh no!! thats really sad Rajib. I really hope you meet sir one day and have 
> picture with him as well :)
> --- In, "A.R.Rajib" <a.r.rajib@> wrote:
> >
> > I went backstage right after the concert ...and he was Gone !! I searched
> > everywhere ( It's not easy for someone without an pass to enter these
> > areas,but i did all that.I knew security people might shout at me or
> > something like that...but i had no fear that time :P )..even asked security
> > guards .. no results ..  :-(
> > I dont want an autograph to be sent to me or anything like that... I'll do
> > it  myself someday in my lifetime.
> > 

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