My laziness is my toughest competition: A R Rahman

Praveen Rao  | Monday, 05 July , 2010, 11:39
 Great timing. Amazing good luck. Sheer genius. All of this had a role to play 
in making A R Rahman the global phenomenon that he is today. 
Though the west has never been unaware of Rahman, a ‘small’ film 
called Slumdog Millionaire changed things overnight. Now the 
44-year-old Oscar winner has worked with over 60 international 
musicians, including Quincy Jones and Lionel Ritchie, in a charity 
single, is planning to collaborate with Usher and Dido, and is touring 
the US and Europe as part of his ‘Jai Ho Concert: The Journey Home World Tour’ 
concert. caught up with the maestro on a brief visit to 
his hometown, Chennai. Excerpts from the interview. 
A little about the ‘Jai Ho’ concert. Why did you plan it?  
This concert was a chance to interact with the best talent out 
there. It was also the right timing and exposure. My last tour was in 
2007, so everybody wanted another one and people kept asking me. So we 
thought of doing this in a different way. 
Special: All about A R Rahman 
We’ve seen a lot of Rahman the performer on this tour. Are you enjoying 
Yes, I am enjoying it. We have a director who wants the best from everybody, so 
we are all forced to give our 100 per cent. 
Do you plan to perform in the remaining cities of North 
We will be going back in September and performing there. 
Your next stop is Zurich. What are they to expect from the 
Isai Puyal?  
I have already given a press meet and they asked some great and 
interesting questions. I have got great support from them. This is the 
first time we are all going to this country. 
We recently saw pictures of you all dressed up and trying 
dance moves. Is that you experimenting or did you just succumb to 
Well, it goes with the theme. They wanted me to be like a ring 
master in a circus, literally. So, initially, when I heard the creative I felt 
it was ok - it was out of the box. And then when I saw some of the footage, I 
liked it. 
A memorable incident from your tour.  
There have been lots - the first two months of rehearsal, the 
first show. It was like going into another world. 
How are fans reacting to you? Is the audience mostly Indian?  
We’ve had a mix actually. It’s mostly been a desi audience, but there has been 
a significant amount of improvement from 
what it was before. 
Have the Oscars changed people's perception of you?  
I think in a way, yes, it has given me more exposure. People know me even if I 
don’t know them. 
The music of Raavan got mixed reviews. Your reactions?  
Everything new gets mixed reviews. It is true that it did not 
have any of the normal duets and the kind of stuff that you have in Maniji’s 
films, but I think when they see the film they will understand what the music 
score is about. 
However, there have been a lot of very kind remarks about it, 
too. And about the last song, which has not been released yet. Some of 
the music was not released because there was still work to be done. Now 
we are going to release the other five tracks, which will make it to the album. 
We have heard AR Rahman loves working when the world sleeps. 
Any particular reasons for that?  
That’s because communication is a lot easier with the other end 
of the world. I mean, I work with people in the US and stuff, but now 
the reasons have changed 
Is there anything left for you to achieve?  
Well, I don’t consider achievement; I consider the whole path to 
be a beautiful journey. Because achievements can be broken, somebody 
else can do better things. 
I don’t consider music to be like sports - that I have done 100 
meters in 2 seconds or things like that. So sometimes you just relax and see 
what you’ve done and sometimes the simplest things give you the 
most satisfaction. 
Special: All about A R Rahman 
But the good thing about the whole thing has been the opportunity to give back. 
I now have a music school and that is good. 
Were you happy with how the Pussycat Dolls made Jai Ho? Did it really need a 
'western' version?  
It was intentional. Initially, it sounded weird but it helped the song reach 
out to younger audience. It was number one in 17 different 
Who according to you is your competition?  
My laziness is my toughest competition. I try to overcome that 
compulsorily and do something and get satisfaction out of that. And I 
might just give my 10 per cent, but there is always a question that 
comes your way and, when that happens, it gives you inspiration to work 
>From Roja to the present… how has the journey been?  
The journey has been good with good wishes, blessings and 
encouragement given by people. Thank you for that.


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