On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 2:54 PM, DineshVaidya <dnshvai...@yahoo.co.in>wrote:

> I guess, these "so called" gimmics may be useful to get the sponsors... And
> probably it is not expected that the sponsors be diehard Rahmaniacs....
> It's true.  And I am no expert in PR or Events Promotions.. But, right from
the start, I have been having this feeling that this certainly wasn't the
way to do an AR's concert.  Even after the oscars, even after all the media
coverages and interviews.. 90% of his fans still remain South Asian
community. because, the rest of the world have only heard Jai Ho and Slumdog
Millionaire. And that is not a good enough reason to go to an expensive

I felt that promoters were trying to promote a big show rather than AR
Rahman himself. if you look at the promo videos.. they are all about how
grand this show is.. how good the technologies are used for the show etc..
But, not much about his music.  I think, that is not going to do any good
for AR Rahman or his music.

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