Excellent write up.. Zillion thanks to you.

On 7/29/10, AJ <purev...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I have a question:
> Has ARR ever scored for a sci fi movie like this one before?
> This movie seems like a perfect opportunity for Rahman to experiment with
> sound, as we're talking about robots and future, etc.  So, I do expect to
> hear quite a bit of electronica in this album, given by the looks of the
> movie so far. I also expect to hear interesting sonic
> juxtapositions.....strings, brass, electronica....Rahman being the usual
> sound alchemist, but with more emphasis on individual instruments and flashy
> effects rather than soundscapes and soothing textures.
> With Shankar at the helm, I also expect the music to be louder and noisier
> that what we've heard in recent ARR albums, which may not be a bad thing
> since this is the type of album that will need to have a lot of mass appeal,
> boosting ARR's commercial credentials even further.  I also expect a high
> emphasis on rhythm more than melody.  I just hope we get clear sound and not
> too cluttered arrangements.  I'm also hoping for not too much high pitch
> yelling or rapping.
> Now, with the Oscar tag that ARR carries around, like his recent albums, the
> international pressure is on and I expect Rahman to do a lot of genre
> sampling in this album, as he's done many times....each song representing a
> particular genre of music.  With this type of movie with a very Western
> backdrop and sci fi theme, I expect jazz, rock, techno at the very least.
> Overall, I'm sure the music will sound fresh and intriguing, possibly with a
> low growing factor since these songs are probably designed to be mass
> commercial hits given Rajnikant's presence and Shankar's history with ARR.
> Somehow, I'm getting a "Don 2" feel for this movie and expect some parallels
> with the soundtrack from that movie, although Rahman's originality and sound
> experimentation will stand out.  Unlike VTV, I don't expect too many
> soothing, subtle, artistic numbers, which is what one should not expect for
> this type of movie.
> The hype for the music is scary.....people calling the movie one of the
> greatest ever in Indian history, the biggest star studded audio launch ever,
> etc. etc.  Just hope the music lives up to the expectations, otherwise
> expect to hear disappointment.  Overall, I expect reactions to be a mixed
> bag, but mostly positive.  Rahman cannot satisfy everyone with just one
> album......there are way too many tastes and different musical minds out
> there!  But, Rahman will be given credit for a very creative soundtrack that
> matches the film's theme and story and I have a feeling this soundtrack will
> get more international recognition than some of his previous domestic
> soundtracks since the Oscars.

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