THanks a lot, Phani!  Loved reading!

--- In, "Rivjot" <riv...@...> wrote:
> Thanks Phani for sharing your experience, it was fascinating to read this 
> post :)
> --- In, Vithur <vithurm@> wrote:
> >
> > There are certain experiences in life that change you as a person and
> > help you grow into a better individual. For me, these defining
> > experiences happened during those years that I was a student of AR
> > Rahman's KM Music Conservatory.
> > 
> > As I look back on that journey that has evolved me into making music
> > my life and profession I feel KMMC happened a little late in my life
> > but I strongly feel it couldn't have come at a more right moment than
> > this. I had a keen interest in music since childhood, listening along
> > with my grandfather to his thousands of carnatic collections including
> > M.Balamuralikrishna, Thyagaraja, Ramadas, and many Annamayya
> > Keerthanas and instrumentals. I recall composing rough tunes for fun,
> > even before I started learning music formally. But it wasn't until AR
> > Rahman happened, that my passion for music grew beyond words. I became
> > a devout fan of Rahman Sir ever since Bombay had released. I remember
> > skipping my school continuously to go to the theatre where Bombay was
> > being played just to listen to the music and the background scores.
> > And with each of his releases after that, his music became a daily
> > fuel for me.
> > 
> > I had completed my Engineering degree in Chennai and was working a
> > mundane software job. Of course, my body was there, but my ears, mind
> > and thoughts were just tunes, melodies, rhythm and one man- AR Rahman.
> > So when I heard news that Rahman Sir was going to open his own music
> > school here in Chennai, which offers courses in western classical
> > music, various areas of music technology, instruments, and vocals, I
> > thought to myself, "If I wanted to give my passion for music a chance
> > to grow and give a chance to live my dream-job as a composer, THIS was
> > it." And what better opportunity to learn at an institution developed
> > by a man who I worshipped and looked up to for so many years. So
> > without hesitation I applied for an audition. Now I wasn't at all sure
> > I would get in and did not even tell my family or anyone else about
> > applying to the school. I thought to myself by auditioning I would at
> > least catch a glimpse of the school and studio, and if lucky catch a
> > glimpse of Rahman Sir. So I was super surprised and was just in utter
> > disbelief when I got that call of acceptance and my family was even
> > more shocked when I told them that I am going to resign my job and
> > join KMMC. So here I was literally on cloud 9, about to begin a
> > journey that I had only dreamt of all these years.
> > 
> > In KMMC I took western classical vocals and composition as a major
> > with a prior knowledge in carnatic vocals and keyboard. As soon as I
> > entered the conservatory compound on the first day, I could just feel
> > the aura of positive energy all around. The school had almost like a
> > homely and soothing atmosphere with wooden floors and furniture,
> > accented with warm curtains, large middle-eastern rugs, a beautiful
> > grand piano and a picture of Rahman sir's father in the main reception
> > area. More than this it was my fellow classmates from all corners of
> > the world, and the amazing faculty that made those years the most
> > memorable.
> > 
> > Moreover, being part of KMMC I saw Rahman Sir in a whole different
> > light, and my respect and devotion towards him grew to infinite
> > lengths. During the first week he came and interacted with us in
> > person and asked us our ambitions and goals. I still remember when I
> > asked Sir at that time to hum a few lines of New York Nagaram, what he
> > said in response will forever stay with me. He said. "Guys don't stick
> > only onto New York Nagaram, music is beyond the regular commercial
> > cinema. Make your mark, aim at the least you will reach the
> > stars" .I was amazed at the fact that no matter how busy he was, he
> > used to attend almost every student recital and concert that we used
> > to have at KM. He used to listen to us patiently and give us
> > suggestions, advice and clarifications on any doubts we had with so
> > much patience. And in case he was unable to make it to an event, he
> > used to send us a sorry note. I was just amazed that a man who is such
> > a prominent society figure, a pioneer in popularizing indian music to
> > globally, western music to the east, a musical magician, behaved so
> > simple, so friendly and so down-to-earth. He did not even behave like
> > a principal to us; he was more like a friend and even used to call
> > some of the students with nicknames. For instance, whenever I used to
> > see him, he always used to smile and greet me with a simple `Hey, Hi
> > Man' even before I said anything. There are just no words to describe
> > his modesty and humbleness.
> > 
> > Also to add, there is a government school near the conservatory. KMMC
> > provides free music education to 40 students there, and Rahman Sir
> > makes sure that they are all taught with equal interest and respect
> > like any one of us. Another valuable thing that I have observed is
> > that more than talent, Rahman Sir gives importance to behaviour and
> > character. For example, after one of our outdoor concerts when we met
> > him he told us, `I heard you guys did a great job, but yet to know
> > about your behaviour there.' I was absolutely taken aback and thought,
> > wow this man amazes me each time I am in his presence. And just being
> > in his presence you learn so much about how to better your self as a
> > person, how to dedicate yourself and focus on the work you do at the
> > same time try to think and better the lives of others.
> > 
> > KMMC definitely helped me grow as an individual and at the same time
> > it helped me broaden my horizons as a musician and gave me greater
> > exposure to different styles and forms of music. Meeting and working
> > with classmates and faculty from various parts of India and different
> > parts of the world, gave me an opportunity to come to know different
> > genres of music. My special thanks to Kavita Baliga, who was my vocal
> > mentor. She was a constant support and motivation for me. The
> > techniques she taught me in regulating my vocals from nasal to normal
> > range with so much patience, I will never forget. Also I am grateful
> > to her in choosing me for the KM Chamber choir. These lessons and
> > techniques I still carry with me in any recent work I do. Moreover,
> > the best aspect of KMMC is that with the diversity of students and
> > musical backgrounds they come from, there is constant exchange of
> > knowledge happening throughout of different people's experience with
> > music of different genres and styles. And we constantly used to have
> > jam sessions where we blend all our ideas and feels of different
> > styles, creating a totally new flavour of music. Ironically, my first
> > full song composition was dedicated to Rahman Sir for his birthday; a
> > song titled Rahe mahan Rahman, which with a team of some of my KMMC
> > classmates, was able to produce and personally present the CD to him.
> > From then on wards, our team started making more and more music. In
> > fact, the entire team behind my soundtrack for PAPPU, including almost
> > all the the singers were my classmates from KMMC. I feel without them
> > Pappu would not have been possible. I feel I was truly blessed to work
> > with such talented people who I considered friends more than
> > colleagues, who I had such good rapport, trust and comfort level with
> > so early on in my career.
> > 
> > phani kalyan
> > 
> > My most memorable moments at KMMC:
> > 
> >     1. During the beginning days of KM I had performed a western piece
> > in front of AR Rahman Sir, and I was very disheartened when he
> > remarked; `Oh you sang in an Indian way of Western' with a laugh. And
> > then he suggested a few artist and albums to listen to, and how to
> > adapt to the western classical way of singing. Then, after training at
> > KM, I had performed another western piece at the KM Annual Day
> > function, and after that Rahman Sir himself shook my hand and said
> > `Hey! Great performance Man!' I was literally in tears and this was
> > definitely the most happiest moment in my life.
> > 
> >     2. The two day recording sessions of choir for the song
> > "Maaralante" from the movie PULI in AM and Panchathan studios. This
> > was the first time I had an opportunity to enter Panchathan(his
> > residence/studio- where the magic happens). The divine essence of the
> > place and spiritual calmness I felt just cannot be described
> > 
> >     3. Performing with the KM Choir at the AR Rahman Unplugged Concert
> > in Delhi for Doordarshan's 50 years celebrations. It was an absolute
> > honour and privilege to share the same stage and also learn and watch
> > ARR perform so closely.
> > 
> >     4. After coming back from winning the Golden Globes, when the
> > whole world was waiting to wish him. We were so blessed that he first
> > came to meet us and we were the first to congratulate him on his big
> > win, which would soon after become a streak of wins.
> > 
> > So here I am, looking back on this remarkable journey filled with
> > lessons for a lifetime. I can proudly say that the knowledge,
> > experience, and the many musical friends that I have gained in these
> > past 3 years in KMMC cannot match any other formal training one might
> > acquire. I feel very blessed that I got an offer to debut with my
> > music in the recent Telugu movie PAPPU(Thanks to my producers). KMMC
> > exposed me to this wonderful world of music, which I continue to dive
> > into deep and discover each and every day. It has definitely given me
> > a platform to embark on a new journey as a Music Director to explore
> > and give something unique to the industry and to music. I am now
> > eagerly looking forward to making my mark in this industry and hoping
> > that I get some interesting projects and movies to work on.
> > 
> > Thank you Rahman, Thank you KMMC
> > 
> > Listen to Phani Kalyan's song Rahemahan Rahaman at
> > kalyanyaman
> > 
> > You can reach Phani Kalyan at
> > phani dot gangaraju at gmail dot com.
> > 
> > --
> > regards,
> > Vithur
> >

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